Chapter 4

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"What is happening here!?", you turned around quickly afraid of what you were going to see, instead of seeing a monster you were looking at a beautiful woman.

She had long purple hair with side bangs and green eyes with narrow pupils , that resembled of the twins and Kanato. She was dressed in a black dress with straps in the shape of zigzags. A big white rose was embedded on the right side of her chest with two small white roses next to it. She also wore a black choker.

You were scandalized, not being able to move as she captured you in her glare. "Ayato! Tell me what the hell happened, why are you wearing that disgusting thing and who is she?"

Ayato, who was frozen, snapped out of his shock and walked towards the female.

" is y...y...y/" , it was obvious that he was afraid of his own mother as he kept on stuttering when her voice snapped at him, " Silence!" as she raised her hand to slap him. 

Your e/c orbs widened when you realized her intentions and without wasting a second you ran towards the both of them and..


You fell on the ground, with a yelp of pain . Everyone stared wide eyed with surprised looks, especially Ayato who ran over to you as soon as he snapped out of the shock. Your s/c hand moved upwards to touch your cheek, and you grimaced at the stinging pain. You were quite sure that your cheek had a red hand print on it.

"Y/n! Are you alright? Does it hurt?", the red hair bombarded you with questions just as he reached you. You forced a smile even though it hurt a lot, looking at the boy to show him you were alright and that he needn't worry.

"Hai, Ayato kun I'm alright!".

He kept looking at you unconvinced by the answer you had presented to him.

"Are you su..?", before he could complete his sentence , the woman in purple spoke up and she sounded angrier than last time, "How dare you! You low ranked human, who are you to come in between us mother and son!?"

Tears started to well up in your eyes, not used to being addressed so harshly, "I'm Sorry..", you apologized as your e/c eyes started to glisten clearly threatening to release teardrops.

"Don't talk back to me you little bitch!"

You winced at the harshness of her voice. She raised her hand once again to slap you but another hand gripped hers before it could come crashing towards you.

A man stood behind her, a tall one that is. He had pale skin, gold enchanting eyes and long white hair that reached below his waist. He wore a scowl on his face, as his eyes were directed to the woman who had tried to hit you but could not do so as he had stopped her in time.

​​​​​​"Cordelia", he said in a warning tone, "Don't"

So her name was Cordelia.

Suddenly, she turned around and placed her free hand on his chest, tracing shapes. "Oh, honey~", she coeed, making you revolted as you looked away with disgust and embarrassment.

He sighed glaring at her slightly before speaking in a calm tone, "That girl you were about to hit is going to be staying here with us and I'd appreciate it very much if you'd not make her feel uncomfortable, understood?" He ended in a low warning voice.

"Yes, anything for you Darling ~", she sang and strutted away. You were surprised at her sudden change in personality.

The man watched her fading figure as his eyes came to rest on your small fragile form. "I am KarlHeinz, if you don't remember my name"

"Wait!, you're the mister who saved me?"

"Yes, now let me tell you something y/n, i am ready to provide you shelter, food and clothes and anything that you're heart desires if you promise me that you'll take good care of my sons, I'm asking you to become a maid for my sons, tell me do you accept?"

After pondering on about what he had said to you, you nodded knowing that there was no where else for you to go to.

"Excellent,....what is it child?", he asked you as he noticed your body going stiff and becoming tense.

" said that you can give me everything that my heart desires?"

"Yes, what is it that you wish to have?"

"Can you bring back my onii chan ?"

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