Chapter 3

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  After what seemed like an hour or so, which was actually eight minutes, both of you reached a garden. You, still on Ayatos back, held an awe struck expression while looking at the beautiful and enchanting white roses .

Just as you got down you ran over to them, and moved your hand along the soft silky smooth petals. An idea clicked in your mind and you started to put your plan into action. You picked out the best roses and gathered them in your small arms and sat down on the soft lush green grass, moving your hand to get rid of any thorns visible to you and placing the roses in the right place.

You had your back turned to Ayato. He was confused yet amused at the same time. He had never really met a human in person before as was not of age to do so yet here he was, standing and looking at a human with utter fascination and interest.

He loved how your e/c eyes sparkled. Especially your smile, the smile that was so contagious that he could not help but smile along with you everytime.

He blinked snapping out of his thoughts, looking at the ground narrowing his eyes.

'What the hell is happening to me?', he thought to himself.

"Ayato kun ?", your sweet alluring voice broke him out of his thoughts and he immediately looked at you and smiled.

'Damn it! There is it again', he thought to himself. He had only just met you but had developed a strong sense of protection for you .

"Here", you lifted your hands towards him showing him the two crowns you had made. 'So thats what she was doing' . You went over to him standing on your tiptoes and placed the crown on his head, carefully adjusting it. "There you go, all done!", you chirped happily, proud of your creations. Then you placed one on your head as well.

He smiled wider and opened his arms showing that he wanted a hug. You ran gleefully over to him and embraced him giggling as you did so.

He was so busy in hugging you that he didn't notice five other figures coming towards you two.

  Both of you broke the hug when you heard someone clearing their throat. Your e/c eyes shot open and you caught yourself staring back at five boys, who were around your age. Ayato, crestfallen, turned around swiftly only to find his brothers snickering except for one.

"Nfu~ Nfu~ Ayato kun who is this girl?", a boy who looked a lot like Ayato inquired from his brother, walking over to you and bending down to your height so that you two were face to face, grinning like a Cheshire cat. He had the same emerald eyes like Ayato however his hair were rather different. His hair was a shade of reddish brown with the tips being light blondish and almost reached his shoulders.

"Oi! Laito get away from her, i found her first!", Ayato tried pushing him but he only giggled in response.

"Looks like my brother likes someone~"

"Sh...shutup!", he shouted blushing a light shade of red, crossing his arms over his chest as he did so.

You blinked oblivious to what was happening while the twins started arguing. You frowned not liking it when they argued, so you decided to put an end to their bickering and thus went over to the remaining roses you had picked out, and made five more crowns.

Once done, you ran cradling them in your small arms and poked Laito on the back. He turned around confused, and faced you. 

You smiled endearingly and positioned one of the crowns on his head carefully. He lifted his hand to touch his head and was startled when he felt the soft velvety roses under his fingertips. 

His expression turned shocked, which you ignored and moved on to the other four one by one, who till now had been watching you.

You now stood in front of a boy who had light purple hair and matching large eyes, and dark circles under them.

'Maybe he didn't get his sleep', you thought while staring at his eyes mesmerized, and quickly placed the flower crown on top of his head giving him a quick but brief hug as he was the same height as you.

You flashed him one more smile after pulling away. You also noticed that he had a teddy bear wrapped safely in his arms. You then continued, now staring at light ocean blue eyes. 

This boy had slightly curled blonde hair and was an inch taller than you, judging by his height and face he seemed to be the eldest amongst all of them. His blue eyes gaped at your e/c ones and once you laid the crown on his head, standing on your tiptoes, he sent you a charming smile to which you replied with your own smile. You gave a hug before moving onto a boy with glasses.

He was lean, with neatly combed purple black hair that nearly reached his shoulder, and had light red eyes. Overall, he held a firm expression making him look a little scary, you flinched a little at his expression. He glared at you but you simply giggled and smiled once again, brightly , alarming him, placing the crown on his head and hugging him, failing to notice the small smile adorning his face now.

Lastly, you stood in front of an albino, he had red eyes and white hair with pink tips, his hair covering one of his eyes. However, he looked so cute that you couldn't help yourself as your smile got wider and you blurted out without thinking, "You're so kawaii!", leaving him completely flabbergasted. 

You repeated the same ritual with him that you had done with the rest of the brothers.

Each of them held a light blush decorating their cheeks but this was unknown to you because you ran back to Ayato and turned to face all of them giving a small bow, " Hello! I'm y/n l/n and I hope we can be friends! Please take care of me."

You addressed them with a cute smile adorning your face. They were all speechless as they stared at you astounded but then smiled.

All of a sudden, a voice came from behind you, "What is the hell happening here!?"


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