Chapter 10

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You were standing at the main door greeting the guests that were here to attend the ball.

You gawked at how the mansion looked, it was nothing like the one you saw before. Instead of having the dark and gloomy atmosphere, the mansion was always surrounded by, it now had been replaced with one as lively as it could get.

The place was full of laughter, every one was enjoying themselves

"Hello! Welcome to the Sakamaki mansion, please enjoy yourselves", you greeted a couple cheerfully regardless of the weird stares full of hunger they directed at you, causing a shiver to go down your spine.

You sighed as you greeted yet another guest. The mainhall that was full of royal families not too long ago, had become empty as the vampires began to file out and into the ball room, most probably to do things that were done at a ball; dancing, gossiping and so on.

You wondered if you could sneak into the ball room and catch a glimpse of the event but these were just castles in the air. Leaning against the doorframe, you stared at your small feet and started humming a song your mother used to sing to you.

You frown when you realize that you probably won't get the chance to see Ayato since he is busy with the ball. You see, you had bought a gift for his birthday, a medallion to he exact. The one which opens and you can put pictures of your loved ones in it, yep that's the one. However, you couldn't find him anywhere and thus the gift was left with you.


You kept humming to yourself.


You allow your thoughts to take over as you feel yourself being consumed in the sweet melody of the song.

"Y/n l/n, you listen to me right now!"

You stop hearing the familiar voice and turned around swiftly surprised to see ayato there.

"Ayato kun, what are you doing here?"

You inquired from the boy who was standing front of you.

He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck looked at you, " I uh..well the party was super boring and I was kinda missing you so..".

You blinked and smiled as he said that, he looked to darn cute.

"Ayato kun", you called him and his eyes met yours widening when he saw a small box wrapped carefully with a bow on it, resting in your palms. "Happy Birthday!", you cheered and handed the box to him which he accepted with a surprised expression. Why wouldn't he be? After all it was the first time in his life that someone had given him something on his birthday, something that would make him happy and make him feel loved.

Excited he unwrapped the paper and let it fall recklessly on the ground, taking the lid off the box. Inside was a soft small plush cushion on which the medallion laid.

It was a simple yet pretty medallion in the colour gold, it's shape of a heart

Smiling he took it and felt it in his hand. Then he wore it around his neck.

"Thanks y/n!"

"Your welcome", you kissed his cheek and giggled when he blushed a pink shade.

He grinned and took your hand in his walking to the ballroom.

"Wait..Ayato kun, where are we going?"

"To the ball, where else?", he replied not looking at you.

"B..but I'm a peasant, I don't belong there".

He turned around, "y/n, you are not a peasant do you hear me? And you are going to the ball and dance with me because no way in hell am I going to dance with those ugly chubby girls. They smell bad too", he said making a pose in which he pinched his nose and made a disgusted face ultimately causing you to end up laughing.

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