Chapter 2

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  "Ano...Ayato kun, slow down!", you let out a shriek as the red haired stopped suddenly causing you to bump into him. He turned around so that he faced you and gave you a sheepish grin. 

"Sorry", he apologized rubbing the back of his neck .

You giggled, " It's fine Ayato kun but you're too fast!".

He smiled at your childish antics and then placed one of his slender fingers on his lips indicating that he wanted you to be quiet. You nodded, confused but obeyed. He then gestured for you to follow him. 

You complied, half because you're friend asked you to and half because you were curious.

You followed him down the never ending maze of hallways, tired from walking too much wondering why he wasn't as tired as you were, because when you looked at him expecting him to be out of breath, you saw that he was perfectly fine, unlike you.

Finally having enough, you stopped and bent down placing your hands on both of your knees, taking short and quick breaths, trying to ease the pain in your lungs.

Noticing that you weren't following him, he turned around only to find you crouched down. His expression became one of worry and ran towards you, halting as he reached your delicate form, " Y/n what happened? Are you okay?", he inquired from you worry lacing his voice. 

You took one last breath before standing up and looking at your friend smiling cheerfully at him, "Hai! Just tired that's all, don't worry Ayato kun!". You weren't an athletic person, so it wasn't expected that you could run much.

He let out a sigh of relief before walking forwards only to be stopped by your angelic voice, "Ne, Ayato kun...could you give me a piggyback ride?". 

Upon hearing this the red haired turned around to see you blushing and holding your hands behind your back looking shyly at the ground. He couldn't help it, you were just too adorable so he went over to you and pinched your rosy cheeks. You looked at him wide eyed and astonished, taken aback by his actions.

​​​​​​Realizing what he had done, he retracted his hands quickly resting them at his either side, a shade of pink dusting his pale cheeks.

" were just so cute, I couldn't help it...", he said avoiding any eye contact with you.

You blinked several times and titled your head, a habit of yours whenever you were confused. "So Ayato kun is not going to give me a ride?", you asked with disappointment.

"What? that's not it, I'll give you a piggy back ride so cheerup", he quickly said once he caught sight of your sad but cute face but he liked it when you smiled, it made you look more prettier.

"You will?", your head snapped up towards him. He nodded in response. You smiled running over to him and hugging him. He was still taller than you so you reached till his chin.

He, shocked, not used to this kind of treatment before hugged you back awkwardly. You pulled back, breaking the hug leaving him in utter disappointment but then lifted your arms up clearly saying you wanted to be carried.

He grinned and bent down allowing you to get onto his back, which is exactly what you did. You wrapped your legs on either side of his waist as he got up and threw your arms on his shoulders.

"Onwards my friend!"

He chuckled at your actions and continued to walk .

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