Chapter 8

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"Ugh! Go away!"



"Alright, alright I'm awake"

Subaru groaned as he got up scratching his head. You smiled triumphantly that you were able to wake him up. 

"Subaru kun, please hurry up I have to help you get ready for the ball"

"The ball is in the evening, wake me up then."

After saying that he layed back down on the bed and pulled the sheets back so that they were covering his whole body including his face.

You puffed your cheeks out thinking on how to get the albino to wake up. Suddenly you got an idea and started to make quiet fake crying noises, but loud enough for the albino to hear.

" *sniff* *sniff* "

He peeked through the covers only to find you crying silently. Quickly he got up and crawled towards your crying form. He sat on the bed so that he was facing you and held a worried expression.

​​​​​​"y/n? Why are you crying?"

"Subaru kun doesn't like me.."

His eyes widened as he heard you say that.


"If..if you loved me then you would listen to me and get ready don't love me..*sniff*"

Suddenly you felt yourself being held in a embrace as you peeked through your hands to see subaru hugging you.

"Of course i love you y/n, please stop crying", you smiled instantly failing to notice the blush decorating his cheeks.

"Then you will let me help you get ready?"

​​​​​​He pulled away, the blush now faintly visible and looked at you nodding. Your smile grew wider as you grabbed his hand and dragged him to the washroom. You gestured him to strip as you turned around and closed your eyes. You had already filled the bathtub with luke warm water and so now all was left to be done was clean him and dress him up. 

"You can look now", you opened your e/c eyes as you turned around and giggled at the sight infront of you. Subaru had stripped like you asked him and was now in the bath with his face as red as a tomato.

You rolled up your sleeves and applied lavender scented shampoo to his soft white hair. You moved your hands massaging his head forming a lather of shampoo. He relaxed under your touch and sank into the water. After a while you asked him to close his eyes which he did and then you rinsed his hair. You then left the washroom a so that he could wash his body.

After a few minutes he came out wrapped in two towels. You laid his suit on the bed and bowed before leaving the room.

As you stood outside leaning against the door you wondered what the ball would be like. You had always wished to attend one, but couldn't since only rich and royal families were allowed to attend them, not mediocres like you. You sighed quietly as you frowned.

Suddenly the door opened causing you to fall with your back towards the ground. 

"Owie....", you mumbled as you tried to get up. However, before you knew it you were lifted on to your feet by two arms.

You turned to thank the person and saw that it was Subaru. You smiled and thanked him seeing that he was neatly attired in the same black and white suit that Ayato had been asked to wear, the only difference being the colour of his bow which was now pink.

"You look so cute subaru kun!", you giggled as you hugged him. He smiled and hugged back.

"Yeah, thanks"

"Now off you go! The ball is going to start soon"


"But I don't wanna", he whined.

"Please?", you showed him your best puppy dog eyes to which he shut up and blushed. 

"Fine...". You smiled once again before giving him a bear hug. 

"Ca..cant breath..."

You realized that your grip on him was a little too tight and instantly let go if him apologizing and bowing several times. 

"I'm so sorry Subaru kun! I promise I'll never hug you again."

"Don't say that, I love it when you hug me so...don't ever stop hugging me, okay?", he looked away with a light shade of pink dustinghis pink cheeks. 

You were shocked but smiled nonetheless and nodded.

"Okie dokie!"

He chuckled before turning around and sprinting in the direction of the ballroom, leaving you standing there all alone.

"Now for the birthday boy to get ready!"

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