Chapter 7

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"Ayato kun! Please come out!"


"I have candy~"


"How about you come out and I'll make you some Takoyaki?"

The door opened to reveal a red Ayato, and by red i do not mean his hair colour but rather the colour of his face.

"I look stupid in this dress"

"You're right, ow!", Laito rubbed his head where you had smacked him lightly.

"Ayato kun don't pay attention to Laito kun he's jealous, you look lovely"

"Eh? Why would i be jealous of that?"

Laito pointed to the suit Ayato was wearing. It was a red and black suit with a red bow.

But there was something wrong, you tried to figure out what was wrong ..oh yeah..the bow! The bow wasn't in it's right place, instead the bow was placed on his head. 


"What!? What !?"

"Ano...Ayato kun", you pointed at his head where the bow resided.

He moved his hand up to touch, and when his hand came in contact with the soft fabric, you thought that he would be angry but instead he just furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the both of you, confused .

"Yeah, so what? It's a bow."

"Ne~ Ayato kun you're an idi..mnmm""

You quickly placed your had on your Laitos mouth before he could complete his sentence and cause them two to start arguing all over again.

"What he means to say is that, this.."

You said as you went over to him and took the bow off his head , "Goes over here", and adjusted it on his suit. "There, now it's all done!"

He scoffed and looked away folding his arms.

You might be confused as to what the hell is happening, well let me tell you. Karlheinz had decided to hold  a ball in honour of his son's birthday, Ayato. And to sum it up, there are going to be many Royal families attending the ball so Ayato has to dress up nicely and according to the clothes his father had given him. So here you are trying to help him get ready for tomorrows ball. 

"It still doesn't look good on me..", he mumbled.

You smiled, "Of course it does Ayato kun"

"Y/n don't lie"

"I'm  uh..."


"Umm..Laito kun could you stop?", you asked the boy who was standing behind Ayato making funny faces at his brother.

However, when you said that, Ayato realized that his brother was up to something and immediately turned around to find his brother making a duck face behind his back.

Laito who had frozen, stared at his brother who was fuming with anger and smiled innocently standing up straight

"Laito..", Ayato said in a warning tone.

"um...Ayato kun! Look is that a flying mammoth?", Laito pointed behind his brother.

Ayato, being the idiot he is turned around and looked around but could only see you standing with your hands tied behind your back.

"uh..Ayato kun he ran away", you told the red head who quickly turned only to find out that Laito had run away.

"Why that little...", and Ayato dashed off.

"The other way Ayato kun", you called out to him while pointing at the opposite direction. He heard you and changed his direction, sprinting in the direction which you had pointed. "Thanks y/n!", you heard him say as he disappeared in the hallway.

You sweatdropped and sighed, "Here they go again", before continuing the rest of your duties.

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