Chapter 6

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"You have to make sure they get their sleep and food in time. You also have to help them bath and considering that they are still of young age you have to be careful that they spend as less time out in the sun as possible. Do I make myself clear?".

You nodded for what was like the eighth time. 

A lady who was another resident of this mansion had been explaining your duties to you. She was similar to Shu in appearance. She had the same light blue eyes and blond hair which were put in a bun with two long strands let loose in the front with her bangs parted to the left.

She was nicely dressed in a red and black gown. The top part consisted of black shoulders with a gold border and long red capped sleeves with a black border and black ruffles at the end of the sleeves. The middle was a fitted bodice with red sides featuring gold borders and embellishment and a black middle section which is part of the neckline. The bottom of the dress was a red skirt with black ruffle borders opened in the front to reveal a dark red petticoat . Along with this her neck was decorated with a red jewel necklace.

You tried recalling her name...

"Be..wax? No no that's not it..Bea...Trix?', you furrowed your eyebrows as you tried to remember her name.

She however, seemed to notice your unusual expression and inquired if you were alright, 

"Is everything alright, y/n?", her voice was monotone but you could see that she was slightly worried.

You snapped out of your thoughts and looked at her startled thus tripping over your words.

"Yes..yes every....everything's alright Miss Beewax!"


She sighed, "It's Beatrix y/n, not Beewax"

You blushed a shade of pink, looking down embarrassed, "I'm so sorry...."

However, you failed to notice the small smile which appeared on her face but vanished as soon as you looked up.

She cleared her throat before continuing, "It's quite alright. Do you know how to cook? "

You nodded furiously. It was true that you were small but you had a passion for cooking and you were quite good at it too. You used to cook along with your mother and knew a lot of different recipes.

"That's good, if you'll be kind enough to make the children lunch, I'm sure they would be starving. "

"Ofcourse I would love to!"

"Now go on, best not to keep them waiting".

You nodded yet again and hurried off as she shooed you out of the library.

As you reached the kitchen , you gasped. It was enormous! There were white and blue tiles covering the walls and floor, just to sum it up there was everything that a kitchen would need. If your mother had been here she would have fainted. 

You then proceeded towards the counter, pondering on what you should make. 'Something that would refuel their energy tank...hmm...what about something sweet...i know cupcakes!'

You gathered all the ingridients needes for making your required food. After going through your checklist mentally , you began working. 

After two whole hours, you had finally baked the sufficient amount of cupcakes, without burning the kitchen and were now proceeding towards the living room where all the brothers were seated, busy in their favourite activities .

​​​​​​You knocked on the door three times, waiting with the tray filled with your sweets. The door opened to reveal Shu. He smiled at you, "hello there y/n!"

You smiled back but.much more brightly, "Hello onii chan! Can I come in?"

He nodded and you skipped inside though you were careful not to let the cupcakes fall down. 

Once you entered the room, everyone left what they were doing and directed their attention at you.

"I baked cupcakes for all of you!", you chirped taking out the tray from behind your back and placed it.on the table neat to where you were standing. 

Ayato was the first to come up and reach out his hand towards one of the cupcake. 

But before he could grab one you smacked his hand lightly, "ayato kun, not like that! First wash your hands"

He groaned but obeyed making his way to the washroom.

You turned to rest of them who were snickering. "The same.goes for all of you too or no cupcakes for you"

They stopped and rushed towards the washroom while you stood there giggling. 

When they returned, you quickly placed one cupcake on there hands.

They all had shocked faces, on the cupcake that you had given them, were their faces, drawn perfectly. Shu had a blue cupcake with his face drawn, Reiji had a violet one, Laito had a green, Kanato had a purple one, Ayato had a red one and Subaru had a yellow one, with their faces on them too respectively.

"Wow...", Subaru gasped as you giggled. 

"I hope you liked it, I put in a lot of effort and love", you spoke happily, copying the words that your mother used to speak when she baked you and your brother some gingerbread cookies.

"It's amazing",Ayato said as he took a bite.

The rest also took a bite and closed their eyes savoring the sweet taste as it exploded on their taste buds.

Once they were done, they smiled and thanked you.

"Arigato y/n!".

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