Something Worth Fighting For

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Everyone finally took a seat at the table and there was dead silence. The only thing you could hear was the tiny "plinks" of metal and chewing.

" is school?" Hermione asked.

"Great mum!" Rose exclaimed. "The castle is so cool and the teachers are so nice. It's a - "

"Stop!!!" I shouted. "Everyone gather under the table and stay quiet!"

"Harry, what is it?" Ron asked.

"Just do as I say!" I insisted.

Soon, everyone was under the table. I could hear them...the Death Eaters. They've come to go get us all. Suddenly, just as I suspected, the glass of the windows were smashed and the Death Eaters all came in.

"We know you're here, Harry," I heard in my head.

I tried to stay quiet, but I blew my cover. Death Eaters snatched us all and apparated to Malfoy Manor, their headquarters. We all were dropped in the dank dungons. My children were all frightened.

"Dad!" Albus cried. "What just happened? First we were there, and now we're all here?"

"Look everyone!" I announced. "The Death Eaters took us and apparated us to here. Remain calm, and don't do anything. Kids, do everything those people tell you to do. Even if it will hurt Ron, Hermione, Ginny, or me. Just don't join them. Understand?"

They all nodded. We faced towards the dungeon gate and saw an approaching shadow. There, we saw Bellatrix. Alive, and solid. Hermione, Ginny, Ron, and I all gathered in front of our children and held our wands out. Bellatrix began to laugh and smile with her yellow teeth. Barty Crouch J.R. stood behind her and carefully opened the gate.

"Potter...," Bellatrix smirked. "You're here..."

Our kids stood behind us, scared to death as we stood in front of them.

"Step aside...," Barty Crouch J.R. ordered.

We made our stance stronger in case of any attack. Suddenly, he casted the Imperious curse and we forcibly moved out of the way. Bellatrix walked into the dungeon.

"Kids," she began. "Be good and walk up there."

They did as she said. Barty Crouch J.R. followed them. However, Bellatrix stayed with us.

"Potter...little itty bitty baby, Potter," Bellatrix teased. "I've heard the dark lord has something special for's something he should've used on you a long time ago. Today, you will feel his wrath."

I stared at her, a bit confused. She, too, cast the Imperious Curse and we marched upstairs. There, we saw our children standing in the center of the empty room, unarmed. Their wands were taken, so I took note of that and kept a firm grip on my wand. As we came up the stairs, I saw Draco lying on the floor. Maybe dead, but I had doubt of that. Many Death Eaters stood around the room watching us. Then, I heard a familiar hiss. Nagini! I felt the snake's long body rub against my shoe over towards a cloaked figure. It turned around and revealed itself.

"I am Voldemort, young ones," he said.

He faced my children. After examining each one, he stopped and glanced over at one of his followers. The follower walked over and gave Voldemort a map. It was the Marauder's Map from the kitchen counter!

"You...young man...," Voldemort said, gesturing towards Albus. "Do you know the password?"

"No," he answered.

My pulse raced. I couldn't bear to see Albus get hurt.

"Do you, my dear?" Voldemort asked as he touched Lily's red hair.

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