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Luna's POV:

I had managed to tackle Bert to the ground, I had hidden in the closet and called Frank. The phone picked up as he probably knew it was urgent because he knew it would be serious if I called him at midnight.

I told him to come over, and while I was doing that, I crawled back to where Lindsey was lying unconscious and decided to pick her up and carry her bridal style even though she was a bit heavier than I was. Bert disappeared, probably hiding somewhere in the house.

Frank got here half an hour later, at 1am. By this time I had woken Gerard up, who was with Lindsey while I went on a Bert hunt with Frank. We checked every corner, closet and bathroom. We hadn't checked the basement because it was creepy as hell down there. "I love hell. Let's go down!" I squeal sarcastically. Frank rolled his eyes and turned the light on before proceeding to open the door.

We heard movement, so Bert was definitely down there. We heard Gerard's muffled voice from upstairs calling the cops. "LOCK THE DOOR THE CRACKHEADS DOWN THERE!" I scream as Frank fiddled with the keys as I struggled to hold the door back, so it wouldn't open.

Frank finally found the key labeled with 'Basement Key' and locked it. There wasn't any windows or extra storage space down there. Just a plain white room with boxes littered around it. We could hear that Lindsey was obviously awake now, as she was sobbing from upstairs.

The cops arrived around 1:30am and I unlocked our now battered front door. I strolled up to the basement door, grabbed the key from Frank and unlocked the door. The cops raised their guns above their heads "Is he armed?" They say eyeing me.

"Not that I saw" I answer. I turned the light on and let them go in. Their footsteps faded away as they went further down the carpeted stairs.

I heard Bert say something, they reappeared with Bert in handcuffs. "Ill get you next time, and ill take Luna next time" he threateningly spat at Frank, "You fucking wish" Frank hissed back in response. I just gave him a death glare. "Not when this kid knows self-defence you won't Bro, keep dreaming" I sasses as they dragged him out the front door.

More cars pulled up on the doorstep, my neck was red with the pressure he had held onto it from the door, I also had a pretty bad black eye and a nose that was rapidly oozing with blood.

Ray, Mikey and Bob rushed inside and stood there in shock, "if you think my injuries are bad go look at Lindsey" I say pointing to the stairs, "Is Gerard hurt?" Mikey asks urgently, I don't blame him. "No, he was asleep for most of it" I yawn in response.

"He threatened to kidnap me in front of the cops, how fun is that?" I sarcastically sigh, "Skippety Bop, He needs to stop" I rhyme. Mikey and Ray rush up the stairs and Bob goes to the Bathroom to get tissue for my nose. "Thanks" I say receiving about 10 tissues scrunched up together and put it over my nose.

I walk up the stairs towards Gerard, Lindsey, Mikey and Ray. "I'm fine" I say in a sing-song voice. I fall on the bed and instantly fall asleep. Someone picked me up, and was walking to what I would think was my room, and they put me into the bed and instantly recognised the tattooed hands as Frank.

"Thanks" I mumbled tiredly "I'm locking your windows" he mumbles under his breath and walks over to the windows and double locks them and pulls the curtains down.

Gerard walks in and says night, and makes sure I fall asleep "We have to move otherwise this Burt things going to get worse" I hear Gerard say to Frank, "Move somewhere closer to me, because then I can be there earlier and help" I hear Frank whisper towards Gerard trying not to wake me up.

"Yeah, are there any houses for sale on your street?" Gerard asks sighing, "There's a house for sale next to mine" Frank answers, "Cool, ill check the housing agents tomorrow" Gerard says and walks out with Frank, I instantly fall asleep knowing Bert is with the cops and won't be able to hurt any of us.

The words kept floating around my mind 'Ill Take Luna Next Time' and that scared me because he knew there would be a next time.

Two chapters in one day is what I call making up for not updating for like nearly 2 days😂

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