Whatever I don't care JD x Veronica

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In this no one died. They are all alive and happy well kinda. Also this is set in the modern day. Also this is the musical  people with Dan as JD


I walked the streets alone thinking about the past month. About a month ago today I dumped JD for being a total psychotic. And I would never admit it but I missed  him. I let out a sigh as I kicked a stray pebble. I felt my pocket buzzing and was so confused. Ever since JD and I broke up no one called me anymore. I reached in my pocket and looked at who was calling me. "Heather?" I asked myself out loud. Heather and I got into a massive fight and we weren't talking anymore. So why was she calling me?  "Hello?" I answered  the phone with. I bet she was drunk and that's why she was calling. "Veronica. So Heather McNamara told Heather Duke who told me that your ex boy toy JD is on a date with a cute little cheerleader." She laughed. What? I couldn't believe my ears. Not only was JD on a date. But with a cheerleader? No. She had to be messing with me. "Who is it? Who is he dating?" I asked her trying not to sound like I cared at all which I think I failed. "Don't get your panties in a twist, it's not McNamara. Some chick Lucy someone. Listen you being the crazy bitch you are I know you're gonna spy on him so I'll text you the address of where they are." She added. She then hung up on me and texted me straight away the place they were at. Well I guess it was a good thing that he wasn't dating Heather M but still a cheerleader? That's so unlike him. And I'm not a crazy bitch. Am I?  I received her text and luckly I was close to the restaurant they were at. I put my phone in my jacket pocket and headed off.

I soon arrived at the place and saw the fancy restaurant. Holy shit. He never took me anywhere this nice. I couldn't see JD anywhere inside or out so I went and took a seat on a nearby park bench and saw there was a 7/11 right across the street. Great more memories. That's when I saw it. JD and this pretty blonde girl exited the shop with slushies in their hands and huge smiles on their faces. What was he doing with her? Wait I know. It's cause she was prettier than me, taller than me and probably richer than me."Is everything okay dear? " A voice asked which scared me half to death. I look up at the little old lady who asked me and smiled. "Oh yeah. Thank you. " I lied. The fact that he was with some blonde cheerleader bimbo out at nice place getting pre date slushies like we did was driving me mad. " I saw the way you looked at that boy in the coat. Dose he know you love him?" She asked me as she joined me on the bench. Okay this is weird. But it was a good question. Did JD know I loved him.  Like he would go on and on about how he loved me and I would reply to with 'love you to' or 'same here. ' But I would never be the first one to say it. "Well he did." I mumbled under my breath. I knew if I said it to loud I would get emotional. "Ah I see. You see my dear, sometimes in life we have to let go of what we love to see if they truly love us back." She told me. Ah damn it why did old people so wise. Big "Yeah, you're right  thank you. " I smiled at her. She gave me a soft smile and then got up and walked off. Even if I did love JD was it for the best?  I dumped him for being crazy but was I just overreacting? I don't know anymore. Hell Why Was I even here? JD doesn't want me back he's clearly happy with his new toy.

I sat alone trying to find JD again. Great Heather was right. I am a crazy bitch. "Now what's a pretty girl like you doing all alone? " A unfamiliar voice asked me. What was this, talk you random girls day? I bit my lip and tried to avoid eye contact with this man. "Oh I am so sorry that sounded creepy. I'm Will." The man apologized as he took a seat next to me. Okay being a crazy bitch attracts some crazy people. "Veronica." I told him. I know it's not the smartest thing to give out your name to strangers but I didn't really care. " I'm sorry to disturb you I really am but you are a very pretty girl and I felt like I should tell you." He babbled on. This guy was creepy but a nice kind of creepy. If that makes any sense. I looked over to this Will guy and smiled. When I looked at him by heart dropped. He was the second cutest guy I have ever seen. Suddenly I got all nervous and my heart was racing. "Why thank you. You're not that bad yourself." I chuckled the only way I could be more awkward was if I gave him the finger guns. "I know this seems sorta sudden but I really want to get to know you and I have a reservation in that place over there and my friend dropped out so I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" He asked me. So I came here to spy on JD and ended up getting a hot date. Score one for me.  I quickly checked what I was wearing.  A nice blue dress, leather jacket and some black heels. That was fancy right? " I would love that. " I smiled. We both then got up and headed inside.

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