Martha in the bathroom

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Heyy so this takes place during Big Fun and is based off the song 'Michale in  the bathroom.'

Martha's P.O.V

Alright, three minutes in. This was fine, absolutely fine. Lies. I hated this. I was for some reason invited  Ram Sweeney's, the boy I've had a crush on forever, paty. I was so excited but I didn't want to go alone so Veronica and I made a pact. We made a pact to stay together and have a good time together. Unless Ram asked me to dance, then it was see ya later Sawyer. But she would have understood, she knew how in love with him I was. But clearly that plan didn't happen.

It started out fine, we got ready together. She looked better than me of course, she was a Heather now so she got all the best clothes and honestly it didn't bother me. I was happy for her. She was popular, exactly what she wanted. But the Heathers changed her. The told her what to wear, what to do and who to talk to. Which didn't include me. But we went to the party together. She showed me where everything was, she had been here for a party once or twice, including the bathroom I was currently hiding in.

I was a creeper in the bathroom and it was all beacuse Veronica decided to leave me alone. I sat on the edge of the bathtub and listened to the party rage on. I could hear drunk people singing along to classics such as 'I Wanna Dance With Somebody' and I heard everyone get the lyrics wrong. Veronica and I used to laugh at these types of people, drunk idiots who thought they were the best people in the world. I started to laugh softly but stopped as soon as I realised that Veronica wasn't here anymore. It was just me, Martha Dunnstock in the bathroom by myself.

You know, life was a lot better when I had Veronica by my side. It was better before the Heathers, before popularity, before parties. When it was just the two of us watching The Princess Bride every Friday night. But no. No. Beacuse I wasn't interesting enough she had to go and become a Heather. And you know what I'm hiding out in this tiny little bathroom and she's out there, having fun and replacing me with someone more popular and thinner. And it honestly pissed me off, I was her best friends since diapers and this is how she payed be back. By leaving me alone and giving my absolutely no chance of showing my face at this party.

It was times like this that really just made me hate myself. Why did I have to do this? Why did I have to go out, especially to a popular person's party. I knew I couldn't fit in here. Look at me. I'm a loner, I'm not skinny, I drive a PT cruiser. God I'm such a loser. I knew I should have stayed in bed and just watch The Princess Bride. But no, no I had to have some shred of self confidence and believe that my life was good and that I could be like Veronica.

I knew it was weird to hang out in the bathroom. I knew it was pathetic to just hang out by myself in the bathroom but I'd rather hang out in here and just stand there awkwardly and just feel invisible. As I thought of being invisible and the thought of Veronica leaving I could feel tears running down my face. Great. Just great. Now I had to stay in here and wait until my face was dry. Or hell there was so many kids smoking weed maybe I could just blame it on that.

As I started to wash my face I could start to hear knocking on the door. Shit. I tried to wash my face faster but the knocking just got louder. "Just a minute!" I called out as I tried to hide any form of emotions. I splashed some water on my face and the knocking on the door turned into people slamming against it. I turned off the tap and dried my face with the hand towel next to the sink, I walked over to the door but as soon as my hand touched the doorknob. All the slamming stopped. There wasn't even knocking any more. It was just the loud teenagers singing along to classics and getting the lyrics wrong.

I couldn't take this anymore. Veronica wasn't my best friend anymore, hell she wasn't even my friend anymore and it was all the Heathers fault. I was nothing. I could stay right here or I could disappear and no one would notice at all, especially not Veronica. No one knew who I was, all the knew was my name and they got that wrong and I wanted to say it was an accident but calling me Dumptruck instead of Dunnstock was no accident. No one liked me. That was a fact, Veronica was the only person who could see past my looks and could see my personality and she was the only one who accepted me for my geekyness and my weird obsession with The Princess Bride. God was I a sucker for a happy ending. Shame it never happened to me.

I let out a deep sigh and turned the doorknob. I made my way through the busy crowd of people and tried to not bump into anyone as I made my way to the front door. As I reached the front door I saw Ram standing there, a drink in his hand. He looked happy, he was popular and cute. Of course he was happy. "Hey Ram, awesome party I'm so glad I came." I smiled to him, I could see the confused look on his face. He didn't know who I was. Of course he didn't. I sighed and left the home.

What a great Friday night.


I'm sorry that was bad. I just wanted to start writing again and I thought that song really fitted Martha.
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Have a good day and or night.

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