Happy Hanukkah JD X Duke

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I'm very sorry that I don't know a lot about Jewish culture. Sorry if offend. Also no one died in this AU

Duke's pov

December 23rd 1989

By this time most people would have been excited for Christmas to come around in two days but not me. Well my whole family wasn't excited for it. We didn't even celebrate it, instead we celebrated Hanukkah. I wasn't ashamed to celebrate, it was just that well. No one else did. I know the Dunnstocks did. That's how I started to really get to know Martha. We met at Camp Tawonga, she was a sweet girl but then we grew up. Things changed.

I heard a knock on the door and came rushing there. I opened up the door and smiled. "Jason." I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I told you not to call me that." He laughed as he wrapped his arms around my waist. This was good, this was nice. It had only been a few weeks since we started officially dating but within those few weeks I feel like I had changed a lot. He grounded me. He made me feel like I didn't need the Heathers. "Jason Jason Jason." I giggled before pecking his lips. He had real nice lips. Like real nice.

"So, you're not gonna make me wear any stupid Christmas sweaters or make me sing any of those stupid Christmas carols are you?" He chuckled as he pulled back. Which I hated,  I just wanted his lips on mine all the time. "Um no we're not gonna do any of that." I mumbled. "We don't celebrate Christmas here." I explained. I know it wasn't a bad thing, I mean lots of people were Jewish, just not a lot of people in Sherwood Ohio were. "Great, I hate all those stupid Christmas things." He smiled, "But you still want me to come over on Christmas yeah? So we can like exchange presents." He asked, before kissing my forehead. "No, no we're not gonna do any, of that." I sighed. "We don't celebrate Christmas at all. We're Jewish." I explained to him.

"Alright." He shrugged. "I don't know what you do on, whatever you celebrate. But you, I'm happy to learn. " He explained. I found it sweet that he was willing to come over on Christmas and I found it even more sweet that he was willing to learn about my religion. "It's okay, you know Jason you could sleepover tonight. And then you could learn some more about Judaism and more about Hanukkah ." I suggested to him, kinda hoping he would say yes. It would be nice to have Jason sleepover, not only would it be our first sleepover with JD but it was also gonna be nice for him to learn about my religion. "Yeah, yeah I'll sleepover tonight. As long as it's okay with your mom." He said before kissing my forehead again.

I was excited for this. "Great. Come on inside and we can make latkes." I smiled as I unwrapped my arms from his neck and grabbed his hands instead. "Alright cool." He smiled as he let me drag him inside. "But what are latkes?" He asked me. It was nice to see him actually take an interest and not just half ass it. "Well you see, they're like potato pancakes and we like dip it in oil or something. I don't know we've got a recipe book in the kitchen we can figure it out." I laughed.

The whole day was fun, every single moment of it. Although we discovered I wasn't exactly the world's best cook but it was alright. JD was decent, well more than a decent cook. "Okay the latkes are cooked, what now?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Hmm is staying in your arms an option?" I sighed as I fell into his arms. God his arms were comfortable to be in. I could honestly stay in them forever and honestly I hope I could. "As much as I would love that." He chuckled before kissing the top of my head.

"Don't we have to put out a candle thingy and light it? " He asked, I couldn't help but smile at his eagerness. "It's called menorah." I chuckled. "And we don't have to light that until like half an hour after it gets dark. So we can like make out and cuddle and like whatever till then." I said, kinda hoping he would take up my suggestion on the making out and stuff, cause god did I love his soft and nice lips. "Hmm making out, cuddling and stuff sounds good." He replied before kissing the top of my head again. And with that I got out of his grip, grabbed his arm and lead him to the living room.

After a good hour or so of making out on the couch I got a little to caught up in the moment. "I love you." I mumbled. I realized what I said and prayed to Elohim that he didn't hear me. He pulled back and look at me with a slightly confused look on his face. "What, what did you just say? " He asked. Ah shit. I got caught. "I, I said nothing. I think you're hearing things JD." I said, trying to cover things up. "No. I know you're trying to hide something and I know that case you just called me JD. You said something. Three words, somewhat small words." He smirked slightly. God he knew what I said and he probably just wanted me to say it again so he could embarrass me.

"I. I love you, alright?" I mumbled as I looked away from him. Instead of embarrassing me or yelling at me he just lifted my chin. "I love you too Heather." He said back before kissing me lightly. It only lasted for a few seconds but it was sweet and probably better than the make out session.  "You know, I'm starting like Hanukkah a lot more than Christmas. Well to be fair I always hated Christmas but that's a different story." He chuckled before kissing my forehead. Hmm he had real nice lips. "Maybe you could spend a few more Hanukkahs with me." I suggested. I knew it was improbable that he would want to spend years with me. "Yeah maybe I could spend all the Hanukkahs with you." He said, now just giving me a sly smile. "Wait. Does that mean I have convert to Judaism?" He asked. Oh how he was sweet, like really sweet. "No, no you don't but my kids will. It's like a tradition for the kids to be Jewish if the mother is." I explained to him. I don't know why I brought up the kids thing. I should have just stopped at no. "Well I guess we'll have some beautiful Jewish babies then. " He chuckled. Wait did he just say what I thought he said? He did. He actually did.

"I love you Jason Dean." I smiled before leaning in to kiss him again. Gosh that's all I wanted to do. "I love you too Heather Duke." He smiled back before kissing me. It was probably the greatest Hanukkah ever and there were still seven more days left of it.


Also as you may tell I'm not Jewish, I did a lot of research on it and I really hope this doesn't offend any Jewish people. If it does I'm very sorry, please tell me

Also it's cannon that Duke and Martha are Jewish cause the name of the camp on their sweatshirt is a Jewish camp

Alright don't forget to vote and comment ships

Have a good day and or night

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