I kinda loved you. Kurt x Chandler

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*Mentions of suicide and sex*

It was a normal night in Sherwood Ohio. Well as normal as it could be considering that the most popular girl in the entire town had just committed suicide two days before hand. The Westerberg quarterback laid on his bed listening to whatever shitty music played on the radio.  He didn't really care, he didn't care about anything lately. Usually this time of night the male would be over at Heather Chandler's house  laughing and messing around with her, the two were best friends to say the least. Sure they had sex from time to time and sure they cuddled afterwards and kissed and were really close but they were just friends. Just friends.

But that's not what Kurt Kelly wanted. 

Kurt was in love with Heather Chandler, he wasn't afraid to admit that. He was just afraid to admit it out loud and he hated himself for that because he knew he could never admit it out loud. And that killed him. 

Kurt didn't know when he decided he was in love with Heather, but he had known it for as long as he could remember. He just adored the blonde and he wanted to spend every single second of his life with her. But that couldn't happen. The teen had no idea why Heather decided to take her own life, she had it all. Good looks, more than good she was stunning and Kurt was not afraid to comment on Heather's gorgeous appearance, popularity, she was smart and just perfect. Well in Kurt's eyes she was beyond perfect. He would tell her all day how perfect she was if he had the chance. God how he wished he had the chance to tell her, just one more time. 

Heather's funeral was tomorrow at eleven am and Kurt was nowhere near ready for it. Heather's parents had asked Kurt to deliver a eulogy and don't get it wrong. Kurt Kelly was one of the toughest men you will ever meet but everytime he read what he had written for Heather, he sobbed like a baby. He just couldn't do it. The teen sighed and sat up, might as well practise until he could at least read it in his head without crying. The grabbed the pieces of paper and cleared his throat. A mess already. "Good morning everyone, I'm Kurt and I was Heather's best friend..." Was. That's the part that made the quarterback tear up everytime. "I'll apologize now, I know I can't read real well but I'm better than what I was before and we can thank Heather for that." Okay so far so good. There were tears in the teen's brown eyes but nothing had left. Yet. "As I said before Heather was my best friend. We did everything together since middle school and for that I'm so grateful." God if Heather was here she'd be so proud of Kurt for using words like grateful. Hell even Kurt was proud for using that word, he wasn't exactly the brightest bulb in the bunch and had a pretty basic vocabulary. "I wish I had more time with her, I wish we could have gone to more places and I wish I could have told her more things. Like I love you." And there it was.  Tears streaming down the quarterback's face, he couldn't even see the words on the page they were just blurs. "I love her and I won't stop. She was my dream girl and I know it hasn't been long but I miss her so much." The quarterback wasn't even reading his script at this point, this just came from his heart. 

This happened a lot since her death, Kurt just started crying randomly, he talked out loud as if Heather was right next to him. He didn't understand why she did it. He knew Heather's family life wasn't exactly perfect and he knew she didn't like any of her friends except for him but he didn't think that was enough to kill herself. Was it? He didn't see any of the warning signs, there were none. Were there? God Kurt couldn't breathe now. Could he have stopped Heather's death? Yes, no, maybe he didn't know. Jesus his head felt like a mess. Christ. There were so many things that didn't make sense about the blonde's death. Why Draino? Kurt knew the girl inside and out, if she was going to kill herself she wouldn't chug drain cleaner, she'd take the anti depressants that she hid in her bathroom cabinet.  Kurt only knew this because of  a conversation with a very drunk Heather. So why the Draino? And Kurt had no idea what that whole suicide note was. He wasn't bright but he knew Heather wouldn't use a word like myriad. It just didn't sound like the girl he knew. And not a single mention of the jock was in the note. If you were best friends with someone you think you'd mention them in your suicide not right? It just didn't add up. 

Even if it wasn't a suicide, even if it was murder. There wasn't anything Kurt could do. He was an idiotic jock, or at least that's what everyone told him well everyone but Heather that was, She actually believed in him. Something his own parents didn't do. Kurt liked to believe that Heather liked Kurt, he liked to believe the two of them could have been more. But they couldn't because of someone possibly taking it. It made sense to Kurt, and not a lot of things did. Heather had a lot of enemies, like the night before Heather was found dead  she got into a fight with Veronica Sawyer... And that's when it hit Kurt. Jason Dean, Westerberg's new psychopath. He had the hots for Veronica so therefore anything she hated, he hated.

Kurt grabbed the telephone from the nightstand and dialed Ram Sweeney's number. "Hey Ram... Yeah I know it's late... I need your help with something...  I think Heather didn't kill herself.. Yes I know it sounds ridiculous can you just come over? Thanks man." And with that the jock hung up and waited for his second best friend to arrive. Kurt didn't know how he'd do it. But he knew that he and Ram had a big task in front of them.

 // Oof I'm back and that  was terrible. 

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