The popular girl. JD X Heather Chandler

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No one is dead. Also I low-key ship this. Not as much as I ship JD X Duke tho. Also sexual content. *Everyone just leaves.*


It was first day at Westerberg High and I hated it. I would rather be in Boston but no my dad's work had to get a call from here. The cafeteria was pretty much the same as the other six high schools I've been to. Loud, crowded and was filled with a horrible smell that these people called food.  I looked up from my lunch and saw two girls walking flawlessly across the cafeteria. I noticed that one of them, a small girl with shoulder length brown hair, was smiling at me. She was cute and all but my focus was based on the taller blonde girl dressed in red. I could tell she was in charge of the place. Someone not to be messed with. So naturally I had to mess with her.

I thought of ways to get her attention which I slowly began to crave. I didn't know her name and yet I wanted her. "Hey." The blonde said to me as the brunette stood next to her looking somewhat pleased. "Why hello there. And what might your name be?" I smirked at her. She rolled her eyes in disgust but the smaller girl next to her stopped her. "So this is what's called a lunch time poll." She said slowly. Yeah yeah honey, I can keep up. "You win five million dollars on the same day as aliens land on the earth and say they're gonna blow it up. What are you gonna do?" She sighed. Wow she really couldn't care less about being here could she? Only if her little friend was like that. She was hot and all but far to innocent for my liking. Probably still a virgin. But that blonde one, oh she would be some serious fun. "How much money would it take for you to fuck me?" I smirked while raising an eyebrow. Her friend then started laughing and walked away. Good.

"Listen punk. I would never fuck you. Not even for five million dollars." She snapped at me, she lent down on the table and made direct eye contact with me. She didn't scare me. Not one bit, if she thought this whole slam your hands down on the table and then make a scary face thing was working she was wrong cause now I had a better view of her boobs. "You didn't tell me your name." I told her,  laughing a little at how pissed she was. "Chandler. Heather Chandler. I run this school and if you think I'm gonna let you mess with that you're wrong." She spat at me. Heather. Such an ugly flower well it wasn't even a flower. It was a shrub. Also Heathers are pink so why is she dressed in red? This woman was a mystery. "Dean. Jason Dean. What time should I pick you up tonight?" I smirked at her. She didn't find any of this amusing. "Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast? In what world do you think I would ever date you? A popular person like me doesn't date a loser like you." She growled at me. Oh classy insult. But seeing her mad was fun and I didn't want this to stop. "Well your friend over there doesn't mind fucking me." I told her as I pointed to the brunette was was a few feet away. "Hey sweetheart!"I called out to her. She looked up at me and blushed a little. Yeah I still got the charm.

"Veronica isn't a Heather. She's not as socially advanced as us." She barked at me. Wait there was more than one Heather? I'm so confused but oh well. I liked being confused. "Oh really that's why every guy here wants to fuck her. They either want her or her and one of you Heathers." I chuckled. I had no idea if this was true but it was pissing her off so I was glad. "Come with me." She ordered me. I got up and then followed to her to wherever she was going.

She dragged to the girls bathroom. "Stay here." She told me when she went in. What she dragged me here just to pee? Well that's rude. Half a second later she came out and she didn't say anything. She just grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.

"Listen here you little street punk." She snapped as she locked the door behind me. "How about no? How about I do what the fuck I please and you just go along with it? " I smiled at her, knowing just how much that one comment would piss her off. Within two seconds her lips were on mine. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I her waist. "I. fucking. hate. you. " She said in between kisses. Aw she thinks I care, that's cute. Her hand then moved down and started tugging at my shirt saying that she wanted it off. I removed my trench coat and then shirt and that seemed to make her happy. I then began to slid my hand down her red skirt. "Hell no." She spat at me as she slid my hand back up to her waist. What a fucking tease. I then started to unbutton her jacket and I threw it somewhere on the floor. I then undid the buttons of her white shirt and tugged it off of her, leaving her in her red bra. She really liked the colour red. Well red stood for power and I liked that in a woman. "Stop being a fucking tease." I moaned as I tried to slid my hand back down to her skirt and got rejected again. Before she could answer the bell then cut her off. "Saved by the bell." She smirked at me as she got off of me. What a fucking tease. I loved it. We then put on our pieces of clothing and looked at each other somewhat pleased. "Don't mistake this for me liking you." She snapped at me as she did the final buttons on her jacket. "Wouldn't dream of it." I smirked at her. She then readjusted her red scrunchie and smirked back at me. "My place, 10pm and we can finish whatever this was tonight." And with that she pulled me out of the way, unlocked the door and left. I just scored the most popular girl on my first day. That's gotta be a record of sorts.

A/N. Ew that was cringy. I wanted to experiment with more adult themes but yeah Nah I'm gonna stick to being an innocent person. Also THANK YOU FOR 2K!  That's why I updated as a thank you. Please comment ships if you want more and have a good day / Night.

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