Study Partners JD X Heather McNamara

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Okay so in this Heather Chandler actually killed herself and JD isn't a psycho he's just a loner. Also I imagine this with the musical people.

(Heather M)

I sat at the table at the back of the library, if I was seen here I was dead. Even though the most popular girl in school killed herself a few days back, popularity was still the most important thing in the school. I missed Heather Chandler, yeah sometimes she was a bitch but she was my best friend. I snapped my English textbook shut and put my head on the desk. I also missed Heather because she was my English study buddy and she really helped me. I was going to fail for sure without her. "Um are you okay?" A voice asked me. I knew this voice, I swear I did. But after her death everything was a blur to me. I looked up, with tears in my eyes, and saw a familiar face.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine." I sniffled, trying not to cry in front of him. I don't know why but JD scared me. It was probably cause of all the black he wore. "Right that's why you're crying." He said as he took the seat next to me. I shuffled my chair away from him a little, not only was his black trench coat scaring me but the fact that he took an interest in my life was as well."What's your problem?" He asked as he picked up my textbook and started flipping through the pages."My best friend just killed herself." I told him bluntly.

I couldn't believe she actually did it. I mean Heather was a strong and powerful girl who had it all.  Popularity, looks and money. The whole works. I never knew about her pain and I feel like such and idiot and the worst best friend ever.  Maybe I could have helped and I, we wouldn't be in this position. The thought of me not being able to help Heather with made me wanna burst out in tears but I couldn't do it. Not in front of Jason Dean.

He looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "I meant in the textbook but okay." He said closing the book. I looked down at the ground in embarrassment. "Oh." I mumbled, hoping that he would just leave. But he did quite the opposite. "You wanna talk about it?" He asked as he grabbed my hand. I quickly pulled my hand pack and dug it into the pocket of my yellow jacket. "Don't you have a thing with Veronica?" I asked quickly and quietly, hoping he would say yes and then leave me alone. "She's cute and all but it's not going anywhere." He told me. Damn it. I would never admit it to anyone ever but JD was kinda cute.

"Um I don't get chapter 10." I said quietly, trying avoid looking at him. "Okay so. All you gotta do is write an essay on the book you've been studying in class and write about how it's affected pop culture." He explained to me. I looked at the textbook and sighed heavily. "But it doesn't! It's not popular, it's worse than those stupid book Heather Duke reads. And the title is so misleading. I mean no one even killed a mockingbird! " I exclaimed quietly. I then slowly began to look at JD, he probably thought I was stupid for saying that. When Duke tried to help me she always thought I was stupid. "Believe it or not people actually like reading." He lightly laughed. " Here I'll help ya." He smiled. I nodded my head slightly and moved my chair closer to his.

He told me about how it affected other authors in their writing style and how it affected the public with their views on racism. When he explained it to me, he made it seem so easy and didn't make me feel dumb at all. He helped me write my essay and we had loads of time to spear till lunch was over. "Um thank you." I mumbled, hoping he wouldn't hear me. "You're welcome Mac. Believe it or not you're smarter than you think." He told me. I looked down at the ground and I could feel the heat rush to my cheeks. "Duke always said I was stupid. That I was just a cheerleader and nothing else." I honestly hated it when she said that cause each time I believe her. "Hey look at me. You're not stupid. It may take you different wording to get the question but you practically did this on your own. I just fixed spelling and reworded the question." He explained to me.

I looked up at him and smiled. "Hey I did. Didn't I? " He smiled back at me and grabbed my hand. "You can do anything if you really want to. " I gave him a light laugh and playfully rolled my eyes. "You sound like a preschool teacher." I giggled which caused him to laugh as well. I never expected a boy like JD to laugh. Not saying that he never did, just that he wouldn't. Especially not at my dumb joke.

"Hey I'm really sorry about your friend. I didn't know her all that well but still. I'm sorry and I'm here if you ever need anyone." He said. He sounded like he had sympathy and actually meant it. I never expected that from him either, not saying he was a psychopath or anything just that he wouldn't say that about a Heather to a Heather. "Thank you Jason Dean. Really thank you." I smiled lightly to him. Like I said before he was cute and with this new side of him I had never seen before. I think I could actually like him. "Please call me JD." He smiled back. JD. I know I've called him that in my head but never out loud. The bell than rang and I put all my books in my yellow backpack. "Oh JD before you go." I said as I grabbed his arm. I then leant over and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you for being a good study partner."

"Anytime. "

Hello! Sorry for the long wait. I hope y'all like it. I don't know why but I ship it. Please comment more ships.

We got a Heather C x Ronnie coming up soon.

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