April 22nd JD X Veronica

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No one is dead here. Also I have no idea how American schools work so I don't know if the dates are okay :)


I walked the crowded hallways of Westerberg High looking for JD. Today was a really important day and I really had to talk to him. "JD! " I called out as I saw him walk away from his locker. He turned around and smiled at me. Oh how I loved his smile. I pushed through the people and rushed into his arms. "Someone's happy today." He laughed to me. I swear everything about him was adorable. Well expect for the psycho part. Everything else was just pure cuteness. "Well duh it's April 22nd." I laughed back to him. He didn't say anything back he just gave a blank expression. What? "You know what today is right?" I asked him the bell signalling class rang and now the crowd was even busier and made it harder for me to say in his arms. "Yeah it's the 22nd." He laughed. He really didn't know what today was? "Listen babe I gotta get to class. I'll see you at lunch kay?" He kissed me on the forehead and then left for his class. Sometimes I really didn't get that boy.

Lunch had soon come and I was starving. "And what's on the menu today?" I smiled at JD as I sat down at our usual lunch table, somehow he was always there first, I gave up being a Heather and all my popular perks when I met JD but sometimes the Heathers sit with us. And by that I mean when Heather Chandler is away and they have no one to sit with. "It's a Tuesday. It's mystery meat. That's why darling I bought our lunch for the day." He smiled as he pulled out a PB&J sandwich out of his bag and handed it to me.  PB &J wasn't my favorite but hey it's the thought that counts. "Thank you darling. So you really have no idea what today is?" I asked him before taking a bite out of my sandwich. He shook his head 'no' and continued with his lunch. "Like I said. It's April 22nd." He said with his mouth full. I love that boy but eating with your mouth open was one of my greatest pet peeves. "Yeah but doesn't something happen on the 22nd? Every year?" I asked him trying to get him to admit what day of the year it was. "Nope. Hey we've got study hall after this yeah?" He asked trying to change the subject. I rolled my eyes and scoffed at how stupid he was being. "Yeah we do." I grumbled as I put what was left of the sandwich in my bag. Right now sitting with the Heathers seemed like it was more fun. "Babe. I'm sorry I don't know what today is. Why don't you tell me? " He said to me trying to hold in his anger. I couldn't believe him right now. "Why don't you just grow up?" I snapped at him as I picked up my bag and headed for the Heather's table.

Lunch was over quicker than expected and I was not looking forward to study hall. I took my usual seat at the back of the class and then my dickhead of a boyfriend took his usual seat next to me. "Listen I'm sorry. " JD whispered to me as the teacher marked the roll. I just rolled my eyes and started on my math homework. "Just admit you know what today is." I said in a hushed whisper. I can't believe how stupid he was being. He knew what today was good and well and know he was just playing dumb. "I don't know what to say Veronica." He mumbled. You could say what today was. I have been talking about it on the phone. All week. "You could help me with this homework." I mumbled to him, just to see if he was actually paying attention to me. He smiled and pulled his chair over to my desk. "Now that I can help you with." Other than math talk we stayed in silence for the rest of the lesson and pretty much the day.

Seven O'clock had soon approached and JD was still being an idiot. "Veronica. Open the window." I heard a muffle voice say.  I let out a deep sigh and opened the window for the idiot. "Come on babe. You can't still be mad at me." He said as he entered my room. I've told him a million times that he can use our front door but no he insists on using the window. "Just admit you know what the 22nd of April is. " I snapped as I threw my pillow at him. Somehow he managed to catch the pillow and threw back onto my bed. "Fine it's my birthday. Who cares Veronica? He groaned as he joined me on the bed. Well that was a stupid question.

"I care. Do you think I would have acted as nuts as I did if I didn't care?" I somewhat laughed at him. I don't know why he didn't like birthdays. Not his, not anyone else. No ones. Ever. "Yeah well I don't see why you did. All it means is that I've been on this earth for 18 years now." He mumbled. I hated when he got all pissy like this. It made it really hard to actually talk to him. "I don't know about you JD but I am so grateful for those 18 years. And I really hope there will be more." I smiled softly at him hoping that it would get him out of that mood. "I'm sorry I didn't just admit what today was. You're right I'm an idiot." He mumbled as he wrapped me into a hug. A month ago JD would never admit that he was wrong but today he's just be non stop apologizing. I don't know why but I just find that extremely adorable. " I forgive you. Next year just don't be a dick and celebrate your birthday with me please." I smiled as I hugged him back.  I did have this whole day planned out for him but this hug was way better than any lame plans. "I'm starving." JD laughed. Okay that was random but true as I was starving as well. "I have some cake downstairs. I knew you were coming over so I picked up a cake for you."  I told him not wanting to get the cake because being in his arms was just so comfortable. " That sounds great, can you please get it? I would get it but your parents and whatnot. " He smiled as he let go of me. Today I wanted to be as far as way from him as possible but now I was craving his every touch. Love's weird like that. I playfully rolled my eyes and then went downstairs. 

" That was great cake." JD laughed as he put his dirty plate on my nightstand.  I laid down on my bed and dragged him down with me. I snuggled up to him so close that there was no space between us and I could feel his warm breath on my neck. "So do I get a little birthday loving?" He mumbled as he started kissing the back of my neck. "What you talking about? It's April 22nd." 

A/N. Ha! Ya'll thought JD had forgotten Veronica's birthday but nope! Haha gotcha!

Comment ships and whatnot. 

A Heather M and Martha one has been requested already.

Have a good day / night!

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