If she had your shot

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I saw this fanart on tumblr and it sorta inspired me to do this. No one is dead, based with musical people :)


"Don't be a pussy." Chandler spat at me. I tried writing the fake love letter but I just couldn't. I couldn't do that to a girl who had been my best friend for thirteen years. "You know if you don't care fine. You can go braid her hair." McNamara spoke up. I always knew McNamara was the nicest of all the Heathers. I looked at the girl in yellow and gave a soft smile. "And while you're at it, maybe Sesame Street is on." She giggled, which set of the rest of them.  Okay I take back everything nice I said about Mac. She's a bitch like the rest of them. I stared at the paper all that I had written way. 'To Martha.' I knew the girl for thirteen years, I knew her handing writing better than anyone else's. "Time to choose Veronica." Chandler snapped, finally having enough. "Win or lose." She said as she and McNamara stood closer to me.

I wanted to bolt out of there. Out of the cafeteria and out of school. So that's exactly what I did. "I'm not doing it Heather, I can't hurt her. She's had a thing for Kurt now for twelve years." I tried to reason with her. But then again. There was no point trying to reason with the demon queen. "Fine. Leave the Heathers. Go sit with Miss Dumptruck. But just remember. If she had your shot, she would leave you to rot." She whispered before clicking her fingers and walking away with her color coordinated group.

I couldn't sleep all that night. I kept tossing and turning, what did Heather mean by 'She would leave you to rot?' They weren't gonna let Martha be a Heather. No freaking way, hell the were skeptical about letting me join and I'm way more fitting of the Heathers criteria. I woke up earlier that morning and got changed into my clothing that I would have worn before the Heathers happened to me. A simple blue dress, Jean jacket and some sneakers. I headed off to school extra early in an attempt to talk to Martha before class started. But she wasn't there. Like all morning. Martha never missed school.

I looked around for her at lunch hoping she was just late. "Holy shit did you see who was with Heather? " I heard some random girl say. That's exactly what happened to me three weeks ago. "She's a babe." Another guy commented. Well I'm glad they found someone new but I was still looking for my someone. "Martha Dunnstock?" A teacher called out. I looked at the entrance of the cafeteria and saw it. A larger girl, standing in a crisp pink blazer and a huge grin on her face. If I had water I'd spit it out.

They did it. They made Martha a Heather. "Ronica! " Martha squealed as she came running over to me. "I did it. I'm popular." She giggled as she grabbed my hands. I couldn't speak, I couldn't believe they would sink this low just to get back at me. I was expecting some rumors, maybe even some embarrassing old photos. But not this. "The Heathers are so nice. They bought me new clothes and they're taking me to Kurt's party! Can you believe it? Me at a party, let alone Kurt's? " I couldn't take her happiness, I was glad she was happy but it was fake. They were using her and I knew they were going to do something horrible and it broke my heart already.

"Martha. Being popular isn't everything. It sucks." I said gently, she lost her smile and frowned at me. "Why aren't you happy for me? " She asked. "You're supposed to be my friend. This is what I've wanted since like third grade." She said sadly. Shit.  I couldn't help her. I tell her the truth she's sad and won't believe me but if I lie she's going to get heartbroken. "Color me stoked." I sighed deeply. She giggled and bounced up and down a little. "I'll call you later. Bye." She smiled before walking off. I frowned and watched her walk over to the Heathers who were all death glaring at me. First part of their evil plan. The pink skirt Martha was wearing made her ass look even bigger.

I sat on my bed on my bed and waited for Martha's call. I didn't expect her to be heartbroken yet. No, no if I knew the Heathers, which I did, they would embarrass her right in the middle of the party. The time where everyone's drunk but can still remember what happened the next day. As soon as the phone went off, I grabbed it off my nightstand and answered it. "Hey Ronnie I can't talk for long. The Heathers will be here soon." Martha giggled. I rolled my eyes and groaned a little. "You're still going to that party? " I asked as I relaxed a little on my bed. I knew she was going to be offended at the question but oh well. "Of course! Maybe Kurt will ask me out." She said quickly. I rolled my eyes even harder at that statement. No way would Kurt ever date her, Heather or non  Heather it wasn't happening. "You do realize they're gonna embarrass you right?" I informed her as I grabbed my dairy and started flicking through pages. I started reading about my time as a Heather and tried to see if I could find any revenge plans they might have played on Martha. "Veronica, the Heathers are really nice. They won't do that to me." She insisted. I gave a slight scoff which set her off even more. "I'm sorry you weren't good enough for them Veronica. I'm sorry you got kicked out but I'm not throwing this away." She scoffed back before hanging up the phone. I gave a slight laugh, I wasn't good enough? They're right, I was too good.

I sat on my bed reading through random books and listening to the radio when I heard a knock on my door around midnight. I went downstairs and looked through the Judas hole. I opened up the door and covered my moth. There stood a crying Martha with beer stains all over her dress. "I'm sorry." She sniffled. I could tell she didn't wanna talk about it and honestly I wouldn't wanna either. "Come on let's go watch the Princess Bride." I laughed slightly as I let her in.


Hey! Hope that wasn't too bad! Thanks for reading.
HI so I have a new book out and it's called 'revenge ' go check it out please! It's a JDroncia story! That gets a lot of people interested 
Please comment ships and whatnot and have a good day and or night!

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