Chapter 29

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Tzuyu pull the luggage while carrying the baby then her phone vibrated. Her eyes widened when someone messaged her a picture of Jungkook with Yani hugging. She glanced at him, but then shook her head, "It's not him.." then delete the message.

Jungkook looked at her, "What's wrong?" hugging her to her waist then smile kissing her, "I met up with Yani.. She just apologized from what she did and whatever happened back then.."

"So the message was true?" Raising her eyebrow. "Someone messaged me a picture of you and Yani hugging.. I wasn't going to believe it.."

"Nah.. I know she's with someone in that time... That's Why I'm telling you it right now.. Detective you know?" He laughed, "I know a lot of shit based on their movement.."

Then he showed his phone, "Plus... I got in your phone... And I can found out who's messaging you.." smirking. Tzuyu slapped his chest, "Scared the hell out of me.. Next time inform me.. or You might lose it.."

He kissed her cheeks, "Where are we going again?" then carry the baby, "Aigoo... So heavy..."

"You drive... To resort.."

"It's our anniversary we should let your mom take care of her and just two of u--"

"There you go again Jungkook... My mom and dad won't have a time with that..."

"How bout my mom?" He creased his forehead. Tzuyu stayed quiet and shrugged, "Maybe.." then made a tsking sound, "Still! I can't have more than one right now.."

He raised his eyebrow, "More than one?--Ahhh hahaha, yieee you're thinking something else again?"

"Shut up and take care of the baby..- you're not even carrying her right!"

Jungkook pouted, "Babe--" Tzuyu quickly turn her face to him as soon as he calls her a babe, "Babe?"

"Why? You don't like it?"

"Those are fuckboys words.."

"Again again again.. I told you not to say filthy words around the baby.." he blink his eyes, "And those are not badboys words... You're just used to Mrs. Right.." he giggled, "Right baby hah? Mommy is used to me calling her Mrs. Right-- Ahh!"

"Stop playing around and put the baby at the car!"

"Okay okay.." He scratch his head and buckled the seatbelt for the baby, "chaa.. You'll be with grandma for a days okay?"

"Days?" Tzuyu creased her forehead, Jungkook cleared his throat nad fix his T-shirt, "A-arent we stayi-staying for 3 days?"

"Who said?"

"Aren't we?"

Tzuyu sighed, "Jungkook--"

"Just 3 days, come on tzu, when was the last time we spent our time together just the two of us? Years ago right? Ever since you had a-"

"1 week.."

He blinked, "O-one week?" then smile, "That's right! Hahaha I knew my baby will think about it.."

"Aish shut up and drive.." she rolled her eyes.


"One week?! Yah!" His mom yelled and glared at him. Jungkook gulped, "W-why? Its just a week, why ca-"

"Make it a month, I want to spend time with my granddaughter.."

Jungkook and Tzuyu looked at each other and creased their forehead, "Soo, you want us to be stuck in resort for a month?"

"If it has to be a year, go ahead.."

"I cant go for a month I have a lot of to-"

"To do in hospital? Tzu, you're loving the hospital too much.. You forgot how to enjoy your husband..."

"Ehh?-- I mean he's always with me.."

"Yeah, but you both have different thing to do when you're home.. You take care of the baby and he's doing business.. Sometimes both of you don't see each other at home.."

Jungkook sobbed and hugged his mom, "Thank u eomma... I'll enjoy her" he winked, "Ahh!" scratching his head.

"One month okay?"


"Yah, am I really that busy?" Tzuyu asked while in the car. He glance at her and smirked, "You just realized it now?"

She pulled her hair and panic causing jungkook to jump from scare, "Yah.. am I taking care of our baby well? I-Is she even healthy! Aishh I haven't checked on her-- let's go back"


"Yeah now.."

"Tzuyu were going to enjoy together.. She willbe healthy around mom you know my mom right?"

She leaned back, "Aishh, Why am I so addicted to my job.."

Jungkook smiled and giggled then cleared his throat, "I-Im not healthy though.."

She looked at him, "You think I'll fall for that.."

"I had a fever last week, and I try-"

"Last week I found you drunk... before that week you were drunk too... I guess you are not healthy.. Unhealthy brain!"

"Yah! You're too much!" He looked at her, "Last week you were drunk too!"

"I never drink"

"My ass.." he rolled his eyes and smirked. Tzuyu rolled her eyes and stayed quiet.

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