The Little Mermaid (mer-MAN. Sorry)

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You said you would like to see my spinoff of "The Little Mermaid." Well, this is what I got. Hope it's not a disappointment! Thanks for the idea, Casso!


Kakashi breathed deeply as he ran a hand through his hair. He was the prince of a kingdom, that didn't have many friends. Granted, it didn't have many enemies either. But there were a lot of people who wanted them to create a pact, or go to war. Sakumo, his father, couldn't make a pact with all of them, so this caused a lot of tension.

Currently, Sakumo was out and about, visiting the other nations. So Kakashi was in charge until he got back. This wasn't Kakashi's first time being in charge, but he wished it was his last. It was soo stressful!

At least the ocean didn't change. That was where Kakashi found his peace. By the endless sea. Some days, he would scream out to it in anger, other times he could let his salty tears flow away with the tide. One time, he actually fell asleep on the beach. He swore some sort of imp visited him or something. Messy dark hair and bright red and black eyes was all he could remember. the rest was blurry. No human had eyes like that.

And, in that exact same spot was where the prince sat now. He took his mask off, letting it hang around his neck as he took a long breath ocean air. "Stupid, impatient nobles." He said loudly. "Just because I'm an unmarried prince doesn't mean they can boss me around. I know what I'm doing. It's exactly what my father told me to do. The king!" He let out a huff. "Maybe I should let one of those girls into the castle. Then after a day of them being here, I can say that I didn't like them. And maybe their fathers would shut up about me marrying them."

Kakashi laid down and looked up. He lifted his hand to shield his eyes and breathed deeply again. He closed his eyes and eventually fell asleep, listening to the calm ocean waves and the single seagull that flew overhead.


Obito would never admit this to anyone. But, he had been watching the human for a while. Ever sense the human had come down to the beach for the first time about a few months ago. It has taken everything in Obito's power to not try and comfort him. He listened quietly as he began to rant again. Sounded like human politics or something. Then when the human said something about girls and marriage, he got a bit jealous. He would stop coming here if he married someone.... Right?

"He's asleep!" Squawked Scuttle, his seagull friend.

Obito pushed himself up so he could rest on the rock. He looked and saw he was indeed sleeping. He got comfortable and breathed deeply. He was to far away for Obito to go closer safely. He could get stuck on the sand and not be able to get back in the water. That was one of the top warnings his grandmother and sensei gave him. Be careful around the shores. If he got stuck, it took a lot of strength to get out. And frankly, he didn't believe he had the strength needed.

"When are you actually going to say hi?" Scuttle asked, landing on the rock next to him.

"I don't know..." Obito said. "Maybe never."

"Why not? Not like there's a rule saying no interaction with humans."

Obito rolled his eyes. "Yes. But it is a recommendation. For our safety, of course."

"Come on! You just graduated from the Academy! You can do things academy students can't!"

"I don't know..." Obito reached up and touched his metal headband. Carved into the metal is a leaf. All graduates get it. And they wear it everywhere they go. So the other mer-people  know which village you are from.

"Quick hide!" Scuttle took off and Obito dove into the water, his splash blending in with the waves. Making them a tad larger, but nothing more.

Obito surfaced again and went behind the rock, peeking around it. He saw three people walking up to the young man. He watched as they picked him up and carried him away from the beach.

Obito X Kakashi RandomsWhere stories live. Discover now