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Even geniuses can have a learning disabiliy.

A/N: Please note that I have nothing against people with disabilities. My younger brother has a rare chromosomal disorder. So if you find any of this offending because of Kakashi's ego, don't nail me for it please. And if I portray this wrong, tell me nicely. I have feelings, believe it or not.
Thank you!

Kakashi overslept once. Once! And it has to be the worst day of his life. First he was in such a rush he forgot his headband. So he had to go back and get it. Then he tripped over a black cat who almost scratched his pants to shreds. So he had to change those as well. Then! He remembered they didn't even have training today so he just wandered around. His mind was a mess and he soon figured out why. He forgot his medicine.

Believe it or not, the protege, Kakashi Hatake had a disorder. He had a special pill he took every other day so the others wouldn't know. It did have a few side-effects like his bluntness and he got tired easily. If he didn't take it, he would fall behind. He would zone out, loose focus, his head would hurt whenever he read anything, and worse yet he stutters when he speaks. He absolutely hates it.

"Hey! Kakashi!"

Crap! Kakashi turned around to see Obito. He nodded a greeting. "Hi."

"I was waiting for you to show up at the training ground. You're actually taking the day off?" The Uchiha asked as he walked to Kakashi's side. "Where were you going?"

Kakashi tried to keep his answers as short as possible, but there was so much he wanted to say. "To my house." He said slowly.

"Okay. Rin's with her family so can I hang out with you?"

"Oh? N-no. You can't." Kakashi said quickly, putting a hand up.

"Why not? Do you already have a plan?"

"Because! W-well, no. I d-don't have a plan. B-but I was hoping to spend it b-by myself." Kakashi said auickly, hoping Obito was noticing anything different.

When did he get that scratch in his nose? That looks like a scar in his lip there. How did he get that? I don't remember seeing him get any scars on his face.

Kakashi blinked in surprise as fingers were suddenly snapping in his face.

"You weren't even listening! I was actually asking it you were okay and caring for once." Obito huffed, obviously offended.

"Oh! I-I'm sorry Obito. I'm j-just still tired. Y-you know?"

Obito looked at him. "Let's go to your house." He said. He grabbed Kakashi's arm and began walking.

"Y-you don't have t-to drag me there!" Kakashi said as he pulled his arm back.

"Then tell me what's wrong with you." Obito turned and looked at him.

"There's n-nothing wrong with me." Kakashi said, shoving his hands into his pocket.

"Then why are you acting like this? I'm not stupid. Just tell me."

We can argue about you not being stupid.

"I said I'm f-fine."

"I don't believe you. Want me to get Rin or Minato sensei?"

"T-that's stupid. T-they already have things t-to do."

"I know they'll take time to see you if I told them you weren't feeling well."

"I'm g-going home. Bye." Kakashi turned and jumped up into the nearest rooftop and began jumping towards his apartment.

He glanced behind him to see Obito following him. Great. I'll have to quickly take the pill and wait for it to take effect. I should seriously request better ones. Is there even any better ones out there? Maybe one that lasts at least 24 hours.


Kakashi was frozen, eyes wide. He had tripped and almost fell down. Obito had a grip on his sword straps, holding him above the ground.

"That's decided. I'm staying with you today until you get over whatever is going on with you. You'll owe me a lot of favors after today!" Obito said happily as he pulled Kakashi back into the roof.

"I d-don't need you help." Kakashi muttered as he adjusted the straps and took off again.

"Of course you don't." Obito said bluntly before following Kakashi.

Kakashi went as fast as he could without tripping and falling again. Which was slow compared to his usual running speed. Once he got to his apartment, he just slid into the open window and shut it behind him.

Obito looked through the glass and knocked on it. Why did he close it and cover the window?

Kakashi rushed to his kitchen and began to look for his medicine. He found empty bottles. That was it. What was he supposed to do with Obito following him everywhere?

"You didn't lock your window. And why is there a lot of pill bottles here?" Obito asked in surprise.

Kakashi grabbed one and slammed the cabinet closed. He closed his eyes and turned to Obito.

Why was he so close? How come I didn't sense him or hear him come in? Is he really that much taller than me? What's that look in his eye?

"D-don't tell anyone what I'm about t-to tell you." Kakashi said as threating as he could manage with a stutter. He waited until Obito nodded, a serious look in his eyes.

"I-I have a disability." Kakashi said, expecting an onslaught of questions. When they didn't come, he continued. "Tsunade has been creating pills f-for me. Without the m-medicine in my body, I loose f-focus. I can't read. I-I stutter!"

Obito nodded. That's all he did. No questions, no outbursts. Nothing. Just an understanding nod.

"Let's go get this refilled then." Obito finally said. "Just don't trip, okay? That'll be the third thing." He smiled.

"N-no. That will be the s-second!" Kakashi said.

"No. Me not telling anyone is teo. Saving you was one, and if I have to save you afaon, that's three." Obito grabbed Kakashi's hand and started walking. "Now let's go. Then we'll go get some ramen and train. Then dinner."

"What m-makes you think we're s-spending the whole day together?"

"The fact you're holding my hand." Obito grinned as,they walked out of the apartment.

Obito X Kakashi RandomsWhere stories live. Discover now