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Merry Christmas guys! I can't believe you guys have liked this so much. I never believed I would become busy with this. Thank you! Here's my Christmas gift to you, request from CassoTheCassowary.


"Why do you think that Minato wanted to call us to his house today?" Rin asked.

Kakashi shrugged. "I dunno. Probably some idea he has. And I'm assuming it is holiday related."

"Well duh!" Obito said. "The Christmas Season is upon us!"

"It's next week." Kakashi said with a small sigh.

"That's actually really close, considering everyone started shopping three weeks ago." Rin said.

Kakashi nodded. "Yeah, that's agreeable."

"I want to do a Secret Santa among us five." Obito said, adjusting his glasses.


"Kushina-Chan to." Rin said. "I actually wouldn't mind doing that, you know. Good idea."

Obito grinned. "Thanks!"

Kakashi looked up at the sky and saw it was cloudy. It wasn't freezing, but it definitely wasn't warm. He was suddenly thankful for his mask. It was warm.

Obito ran up to the door and knocked on it loudly. "We're here!"

The door opened and Kushina smiled widely. "All three of you came!" She said. "Come in."

Rin loosened her scarf as Obito unbuttoned his jacket.

"Why did you need us here?" Kakashi asked as he saw Minato in the kitchen.

"Oh, yeah. I was thinking, because it would be our first Christmas as a team like this, we could celebrate together. On Christmas Eve or something, so you can do whatever you want on actual Christmas Day." Minato said, gathering his thoughts in one big jumble.

"You should get your thoughts together, then speak." Kakashi said.

Minato lightly hit his head. "I know, I know. You're to young to use that tone on me."

Obito laughed.

Rin looked around. "Are you baking cookies?" She asked.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, we are." Kushina smiled. "Want to help me ice them?"

"Yes!" Obito said loudly and jumped up and away from the tree that was half decorated.

Kakashi shook his head. "I'm good. No thanks."

"You really should. It tastes a lot better if you decorated it yourself." Minato said.

Kakashi rolled his eyes. "I'll join you if I feel like it."

Minato smiled and nodded before heading to the kitchen. Kakashi, on the other hand, went to the couch and sat down. He stretched and relaxed. He looked out the window and saw it was a bit darker, a thicker blanket of clouds in the sky.

"That was fast..." He muttered.


"Hey, wake up sleepy-head!" Slap!

"Wha-!" Kakashi jerked awake as he felt something hit his cheek. He then glared at Obito. "What do you want?"

"Um, we have some bad news." He said.

"What did you do?" Kakashi sat back up, trying to figure out when he fell asleep.

"I did nothing. Just look outside."

Kakashi did look outside. "I don't see anything." He said. His eyes widened. It was completely white, with some black. "It snowed... A lot."

Obito nodded. "Yeah. Minato said he would get some clothing for us, while Kushina is preparing beds for the night."

"Why can't we go home?" Kakashi asked.

"Because, we can't open the door. The wind is to strong, and the snow it to thick. It's not safe to go out there." Rin said. "You can sleep there tonight, if you want Kakashi. You did look comfortable there." She added with a smile.

Kakashi rolled his eyes. "Yeah. I'd rather go home, though."


"So, you're idea is to have a mini Christmas party? Here?" Kakashi asked.

Obito nodded. "Yeah! Or just a sleepover. We can tell stories, spooky or otherwise. Play Truth or Dare." He paused as Rin laughed. "What's so funny?"

"Oh, nothing. Just never thought I'd see you suggest we play Truth or Dare."

"It's a good game!"

Kakashi chuckled. He wanted to decorate cookies instead. But he would do that later, when he woke up.

"I bet Kakashi would love to play." Obito said.

"Kakashi would love to not play." Kakashi said as he closed his eyes again.

"I'll play." Kushina smiled.

"So Kakashi has to play now." Obito grinned.

Kakashi opened one eye and let out a loud sigh. "Fiine."


"Admit it. You had a great time." Obito said.

Kakashi stopped and shook his head. "It was stupid. Most of the dare's were unheard of. Why did Kushina-Chan make us exchange clothing? Your goggles are huge!"

"At least you still get to wear your mask. She was nice enough to let you keep that on." Obito said.

Rin ran past the real quick, but stopped and looked up. "Look up boys. You know the rules." She said before disappearing into the bathroom. Probably to wash off the make-up.

Kakashi immediately regretted looking up. "Is that..."

"Mistletoe!" Obito said.

"Why are you excited?" Kakashi could feel his heart speeding up already. He wasn't sure it was a good or bad thing.

"You have to take your mask off." Obito said. "I'm not kidding you through the mask."

"Can't we pretend we never saw the mistletoe?" Kakashi asked.

"Nope." Obito smiled. He pushed Kakashi into the doorframe and slid down his mask.

"You-" Kakashi blushed as Obito pressed their lips together.

He slowly pulled away. "Merry Christmas?"

"You better be thankful I'm not going to kill you." Kakashi hissed as he pulled his mask back up.

"You love me to much."

"Says who?"


"Please tell me you got a picture." Kushina whispered.

"Got it right here. I can't wait for New Year's." Rin smiled.

Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you enjoyed this. Should I make one for New Year's as well?

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