
286 18 39

Word Count: 1892

Title: Nine Months: NEW~ Expectations

Genre: Teen Fiction

Blurb: "I'm pregnant" I barely heard her say. It was like a whisper of air coming through a window that was left open a bit.

"You sure?" I asked her.

"Ried I'm pregnant" She said looking me in the eyes with a serious pleading look and a tint of a smile on her lips.Her eyes were beautiful baby blues, they were the reason I choice her out of every girl in the college.

"It's not mine." I laughed at her watching the small smile disappear and tears showing in her eyes.

I stood up from the chair and started walking from the cafeteria before I even made it two meters away I heard her call out "You were my first." I kept walking.

I know I was her first but that doesn't change a thing for me or her.

Status: Ongoing


Starting Points: 30

Cover: Um. It isn't horrendous, but it isn't good either. The reason it isn't very good is because it looks pretty unprofessional, and looks like all of the images have been copy and pasted on top of each other. However, the worst offense this cover committed was that the preposition "to" is used instead of the adverb "too" in the subtitle. I thought we were past knowing the difference by now, but apparently not. Also, the subtitle is actually a question and isn't a statement because of the word "maybe". Yes, nitpicker M is back and shittier than before!

Title: "Nine Months"--left to live? Oh, I wish! Have you seen the world recently? Can't have a review without casual cynicism, of course.


*Covers mouth in shock*

-There are so many things wrong with this blurb. I actually feel insulted to be witnessing this right now. *Head spins uncontrollably* so much cliches. So much errors. So much sin. So much crime. So inexperienced. So much pain. *Lone tear slides down cheek* *whispers* so much dramatics.

-Okay, anyway, I think everyone gets the point.

-The first thing about this summary that made me involuntarily scream was the sight of the quotes. Why? Because I knew what was to come. *Sneers*

-An excerpt.

-It's not like a tiny portion of the summary is an except, but it is the summary. Actually, from that fact alone this isn't a summary. I don't what it is at all. They are just words on a screen that are making me want to throw them into a fire and never read them again.
-The crimes that are committed in this excerpt is, one, the dialogue lacks proper punctuation. Two, the grammar and simple mechanics are thrown out the window, which is a blatant warning sign to the reader that this book shouldn't be read because the writer isn't ready, and neither is the book ready for public consumption or dissection. Three, the ridiculousness of the conversation taking place that it is teetering the line of plagiarism at this point because of how much this narrative has been used! I can legit can count all of the cliches that were used in this ONE excerpt, right now:

1) Bad boy that doesn't care about anyone but himself? Check.

2) Naive girl that gave said bad boy her virginity, and is now pregnant? Check!

3) Bad boy denies said girl's unborn child, even though he knew she was a virgin? Check!

4) Naive girl crying? Check!

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