Dragon Warrior (6)

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I waited probably five minutes before I got up. The room started spinning but I held onto the bed post till it passed. My body isn't in tip top shape now thanks to Leon but hey, I'm a Warrior. We deal with this kind of stuff.

I dragged my feet to the door and opened it. I expected Leon or one of the guys waiting outside of the room but they weren't. Heh, stupid vampires. Don't they know not to trust me by now?

I finally made it downstairs. The old lady was at a desk near the front of the door. When she saw me she gasped.

"Oh sweetie what happened?" She got up and rushed to me.

"I don't feel well." Which was true, "I need fresh air."

She nodded and went to the front door. She opened it and led me outside. I thanked her and sat down on one of the chairs that were on the porch. Once she left I got a shuriken from the sole of my shoe and went towards the end of the porch. I lifted my right palm face up and cut a long thin line. I wait till I saw blood trickle down my palm.

"Oh Kafziel, Dragon of Messengers. Here my message. Tell Nathanial Aryes the exact location I am in and that I will be leaving in about fourty-eight hours." I said aloud. I saw white mist circle my hand. Slowly my cut and all the blood was disappearing. When it was completely gone I sighed to myself. He accepted my offering.

It stayed silent for about two minutes before Blondie, red head and Leon came bursting out. They stopped and looked at me furious. Well here we go again.

"Can't you stay in one place for even a minute?" Leon yelled.

I just calmly stared at him. I didn't really want to argue right now. Actually I'm hungry. I started walking towards the door but Blondie blocked it.

"Nuh-uh girl we want an explanation." He said with arms crossed.

I sighed and looked at him, "I'm hungry."

He smiled a devious smile and showed me his fangs, "Well I am too."

"Hey! I don't like fighting in my house!" the lady came out, "Now leave this young'en and go do something else. Can't you see she ain't feelin' too well?" She shooed them off and closed the door.

"Thanks ahh..." I never got her name.

"Darlene." She smiled, "Now lemme see your neck."

I stared at her wide eye, "Um why?"

She came up and grabbed my chin, "You're paler that before." She pulled it to the side and stayed silent, "Yep just what I thought, Vampires."

I broke free from her grasp, "How do you know?"

"Girl, I can tell." She smiled, "I can tell when my own kind walks in too."

I looked at her confused, "Excuse me?"

She pulled up the sleeve on her right arm exposing a dragon running down her hand. "My dragon is the dragon of healing. Sage."

I stared at her wide eyed. "You're a-a-a Warrior?"

She nodded proudly, "Been for 45,000 years. Now tell me Melody why are you with them?"

"How do you know my name?" I asked.

"You don't remember me but you use to stay here years ago. During the war you and your friends would stay over." She smiled.

"Oh, well, I underestimated these guys that's all." I shrugged.

"And they're holding you captive." She finished.

"Yeah, I made a stupid mistake." I put my head in my hands.

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