Dragon Warrior (8)

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I tried my hardest for the three guys to stay a little while longer but it never worked. We were up and ready buy twelve 'o clock sharp. It's inevitable to get these guys to listen to me. I begged them to stay a tiny bit longer but they said they were tired of this town.

I huffed up in irritation while we were walking towards the car. I got in and looked back at the little cozy Inn. As if the Dragon of Misfortune was laughing at me, my brother's '65 fastback pull up into the driveway of the little Inn. I couldn't believe it! Why now? Why not sooner?

"Wait!" I yelled.

The car slowed down, and Jason looked at me, "Why?"

"I uh left something." I lied.

"What did you leave?" Caleb asked.

What do I say? My wallet? The extra clothes I got? "I left some extra clothes in my room."

"Well we got clothes where we're going." Jason said.

Well that was a complete and total failure. "Oh." Was all I said. Sorrow and disappointment welled up inside me. That was probably the only escape plan I had and it just failed.

The ride was long and boring. I'll keep it at that. Save you your sanity. But it only became interesting when we started to go into a thick dense forest. I started to wonder where these guys lived in. A cave? Tent? What did they live in?

I felt the car slow down after about fifteen minutes after entering the forest. I looked up and saw a three story house. It looked like a cozy cottage but ten times bigger. It looked modern but ancient at the same time. I remember I use to live in these types of houses back when I was ten.

The doors opened and I slipped out of the car. I looked around taking in my surroundings. There was trees everywhere (no duh Mel, they just decided to be at this spot the exact same time as you) and a small walkthrough garden with a small fountain birds and probably foxes could play in. There was a small patio set and a swing on one of the trees. Hmm for a bunch of night dwellers they seem like a happy day time family. I bet they use it at night though.

I looked at my surroundings one more time. The trees...they seem as if they're leaning towards me. Begging them to go play with them, to be lost within them. They seem to be whispering reassurance and comfort. I felt myself being tugged towards the forest. If I go and be lost forever in there all my worries with these vampires would simply be blown away in the wind.

"Hey what are you doing?"

I didn't know who that was and I didn't really care. All I want is to run and cry and pour all my feelings out in the forest. I ran. I ran as fast as my legs could take me. All my surrounds became a blur. Once in awhile I could see something run beside me. Fairies? Nymphs? Whatever they were I didn't care. I stopped in the middle of a small clearing. I was panting and huffing till I saw a head peak from behind a tree.

"Who's there?" I asked.

The head moved from behind the tree. Well what do ya know? It has a body. A small slender body. It was a girl! She looked to be around ten. She had short strawberry blonde hair that stopped at her chin and freckles that danced across her face. She was dressed in red leaves. The top part was smoothed down. It was so smooth it looked like it was only one piece, not many. The bottom though had leaves bushel together. It made it look like a tutu.

She smiled a shy smile and whispered, "Cherri."

I smiled, I should be cautious around fairies. They could be sneaky and lethal. They'll trick you to dinking a cup of their wine. Once you drink from it you become a fairy. Some are peaceful and some are so horrible that they kill just for fun.

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