Dragon Warrior (14)

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I woke up to sun rays peeking through the curtains. I sat up stretched like the little child I am on the inside and jumped out of bed. I went to the bathroom and used it, like it's made for. I decided that I need a shower. The shower will help me feel better than I feel like right now; crap. I was walking out of the room when I noticed a note attached to the door.


I was able to get everyone to leave the house for a little while. Take the time and make yourself feel better.


p.s. - see I can be nice when I want too.

I looked at the note thinking up reasons why he's acting this way. Well here are my reasons;

1 - Haley put a spell on him

2 - He's planning on killing me so he's treating me like the way I'm suppose to before I die

3 - He might really be showing his real colors

I started laughing when I thought about the last thought. Him being nice? I bet this was all Haley's idea and Leon just took it as his own. Huh what a guy.

I left the note there and went to my room and got my own clothes and took a shower. I let the hot water soak my skin for awhile, letting it relax my muscles and nerves. I don't know how long I stayed in the shower but it was long enough for my fingers to start getting wrinkly. I got out and got dress into a simple white t-shirt and black shorts. I brushed my hair and then shook it making small wet curls form. I went downstairs and started to scout for food. I decided to make grilled cheese.

After eating I realized that I couldn't taste the cheese. That isn't good. I went to the fridge and took out a chocolate bar and ate it. I couldn't taste it either. My taste buds aren't working. I ran upstairs and went into Leon's room. I know he has my phone. I saw him with it not to long ago. I started looking for it and finally found it in the drawer of the night stand. I dialed my brother's number.

"Melody!" he cried with joy.

"Nate, I have a problem." I said jumping onto Leon's soft bed.

"What is it?" He asked in a serious tone.

"I can't taste anything."

There was a silence before Nate replied. "It was Gran." He said solemnly, "She took your ability to taste."

"Why?" I asked not really grasping the concept.

"What was Gran's dragon?" he asked.

"Psyche." I said, "The Soul Dragon."

"Right, when she died, didn't it feel like a piece of your soul came out?"

"It did for awhile." I said.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well I remember seeing Gran and then her turning into dust. I ran and ran and then fell to the ground feeling my soul being ripped out. Then I don't know I felt as if...as if another soul or spirit gave apart of there's to help fill the hole that Gran left." I tried finding the right words. Truth is I can't really explain it.

He stayed silent for awhile, "I can't tell you anything about that, but the thing I can tell you is that when a piece of your soul was being taken out it took your ability to taste. I lost the ability to cry." He explained.

"Oh I get it. Thanks Nate."

"Hey are those vamps around?" He asked.

"No they left awhile ago."

"Perfect time to snoop eh?" He chuckled.

"Hehe kay, I'm gonna go snoop. Love you."

"Love you too and hold tight, we're so close to finding you." He hung up.

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