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Jasper was hungry. Very hungry.

He had finished the apples that he had stolen two days ago.

He left his home, or in other words, abandoned broken room he found. He made his way to the market hoping from rooftop to rooftop. It was better for him to travel this way. His face was becoming too recognizable. He saw a group of kids playing with a ball nearby before he climbed down and walked along side them. What better way to blend in than with people his age. It was hard for him to blend in with the colour of his ginger hair, but he tried nonetheless. He stayed with them until they had gotten as close as they wanted to the market. Then he branched off hopping from behind one woman's dress to another pretending to be shopping with his mother. He saw the fruit vendor wondering if he would be able to carry one of those large watermelons by himself. He then eyed the meat kababs wondering if he would burn his hand reaching for a skewer. His mind set when a familiar sent filled his nose. A smell he could recognize anywhere. Fresh bread.

He snuck his way to the baker's shop eyeing the goods from the window. His stomach grumbled at the site and saliva was flowing in his mouth. He waited for someone to enter the store that he could hide behind them as they entered. An opportunity came when a man walked in. Jasper hid behind him as he entered. He quickly ducked behind one of the tables so that the baker would not see him when she addressed the man. The baker was now talking to the man, giving him some pastries. Jasper almost forgot about the bread when he saw the pastries. Those were almost impossible to get his hands on. Grabbing a loaf of bread from the table, Jasper ever so slowly began slipping away to the door praying to whatever god there was to not let the baker or man see him. Just as he stepped out the door he bumped into a pair of legs.

Jasper fell on his behind, his bread safely in his laps. He looked up to find a man frowning at him. "Hey I know you!" His eyes narrowed down on the loaf of bread. The man's eyes widened in realization as to who he was. "Thief!"

Just behind the man, Jasper could see a few royal guards from the palace. They looked at him. Fear coursed through him. He definitely couldn't get caught now. They could have him imprisoned or maybe cut off his hand like they do in other lands.

He scrambled to his feet clutching the bread to his chest before running as fast as his legs could carry him. He had an advantage that always helped him escape getting caught. He knew the town better than anyone. Every turn and dead-end.

He ran out of the market, jumping and dodging over items and people that were trying to catch him. He dared look behind him to find a dedicated guard chasing him. Jasper began climbing a building trying to get to the rooftop. Finally managing to get on top, he peered down to find the guard climbing as well. He groaned in frustration at the dedication before continuing to run. He jumped from rooftop to rooftop with the guard still hot on his heels. He began climbing down one of the buildings. Hoping down the last bit of distance he ran and hid behind a wall. He heard the guard's footsteps go the other way. He peered from behind the wall and found that the cost was clear. Before he could take a step forward, a hand landed on his shoulder and spun him.

It was the guard, she caught him.

Wait... if she was a female guard that only meant that she was the wife of Prince Mathew.

Oh no... he was in big trouble.

"Where are your parents?" she asked, still out of breath.

Jasper bit his lip nervously. "Not here."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Are they out of town?" He shook my head. "Have they... passed away?"

He wished that were the case. The truth was that they left him. Left him a few years ago to fend for himself. "No, they are gone. Left without a word."

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