Chapter 19: Reasons

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"Why did it sound like you were leaving Jasper?" Cecelia asked.

I froze in my spot. Because I was...

Without having to say it, Cecelia read me like the back of her hand. "Don't. Please don't go."

"I have to Cece," I said. "I hate what I am. I don't want you to see me like this. Like my parents."

"I don't," she shook her head, more tears falling. "Jasper I never did. I came here to make sure you got out safe, that no one would hurt you. I don't care what you are Jay. I need you to see yourself the way I see you, I love you."

I reached out, cupping her cheeks and wiping them with my thumbs. "Don't do this to me Cece."

"Don't do this to me Jasper!" she cried. "Please Jasper, we were supposed to have forever together."

I wanted that. God, I wanted that more than anything.

"You told me to find someone to love me unconditionally, it's you Jasper. I know you love me as much as I love you. I know you would never hurt me. Don't hurt me like this Jasper," she whispered. Her words reaching everything I lived by. All I wanted to do my whole life was protect her. I thought I was still protecting her. "Give me a chance to show you what I see in you, who you really are. Not this monster you see yourself as. Jasper, don't take my happiness away from me. I will never forgive you."

Everything hurt. This was worst then any bones I had broken and any scars left, worst than being left by my parents. Losing Cece was the worst thing in my life.

Before I could say anything, Cecelia leaned up and claimed my lips. My whole body came alive as I kissed her with as much passion as she was giving me. A language spoken. Promises made. Fogs and clear skies.

She leaned her forehead on mine. "Don't ruin us Jay, I beg you. Give me a chance to change your mind."

"I just want you safe Cece, even if it's from me," I told her, my eyes searching hers so she understood.

She shook her head refusing to listen, her stubborn face on. "I refuse for us to end like this. Give me a week Jasper, one week to show you the real Jasper. If you still think leaving is best, then I will help you leave. I will still be the friend you need."

My eyes widened in shock. She was going to be with me until the very end. I could at least trust her. "One week."

Her whole face lit up before she claimed my lips again. I think she made reason one of why I should stay very convincing.


My parents trial was a hard reminder of why I was leaving. I saw them and I saw my future. I couldn't be them. I couldn't let Cecelia see me turn into one of them. Throughout it all, she held my hand running comforting circles with her thumb. I could see the fear in her eyes, fear of her plan to convince me fall apart all because of the trial. My parents were sent out of Faraine, all for me, so I wouldn't have to see them thrown into a cell. I couldn't be more grateful, but again, I couldn't be more fearful. Even though my family did so wrong, the royal family still made sure their punishment would be the least harmful for me. I didn't even use my one wish promised by the queen, they did it all for me.

Cecelia dragged me out of the trial as I was unable to move. She didn't say anything, she just wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. It was more than I could as for at the moment. She was my rock.

For the rest of the day she sat on my bed with my head on her laps as she played with my hair and told me all the words I needed to hear that day until I fell asleep.

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