Chapter 9: Mission

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We walked around Killian's town. We had split up but stayed close. The best people to ask for information were two types of people; children and the homeless. The homeless saw everything but no one saw them, I knew this from experience. Stay in their good grace and they will tell you what you want to know. Children were also great since adults spoke freely in front of them thinking they did not know any better, you can pry information out of kids without even trying.

I saw a homeless man sitting against a wall with a can begging people for change. I dropped a few coins in his can before taking a seat next to him against the wall. I took out a loaf a bread before splitting it in two.

"Want some?" I asked, holding a half in his direction.

The man's mouth watered at the food in my hands before he nodded his head and gratefully took it. He brought it to his lips but stopped. "I have nothing to give you in return."

I shrugged my shoulders. "Go ahead eat it, I was just looking for information. No one in this town seems to know anything. Idiots I tell you."

The man furrowed his brows. "What were you asking for?"

I pretended to look around worried. I leaned my head closer to him. "You going to tell the guards?"

He shook his head quickly. "Never, I am in your debt."


"You know Killian?"

"The thief?" his eyes widened.

I nodded my head. "Yes. No one seems to know anything about him. I have business with him."

The man scratched his head. "Well, that's because you have been asking the wrong people. He has a maid, pretty thing. Offers me a coin every once and then. She be know'n everything."

He pointed to a young woman holding a basket, buying some vegetables from a vendor.


I handed the man my half of the bread before jogging up close to the girl. He was right, she was pretty. Her brown hair was done into french braid down her back. Her doe like eyes made you warm up to her. I couldn't help but compare her to Cecelia. No matter how pretty this girl was she didn't leave me breathless the way Cecelia did. The question kept rushing into my head.

Did I like Cece?

I waited for the perfect opportunity, positioning myself right in place. The girl thanked the vendor before turning around and crashing right into me. Her basket fell dropping it's contents.

"I am so sorry," she said with a red face, her eyes checking me out from head to toe before dropping her gaze to the ground. "I wasn't watching where I was going."

I bent down and helped her pick up her things. "No worries, I guess I could count myself lucky if I got a chance to talk to you."

I handed her the fallen items as we stood up.

Her cheeks blushed furiously. She seemed flustered. "Oh.. uh... thank you."

Okay, things were looking good so far. "What is your name?"

"Helena," she said tucking loose strand of hair behind her ear. A nervous habit Cecelia sometimes did.

"I'm Jack," I said putting my hand out for her to shake. She put her hand in mine but instead of shaking it I brought it to my lips. "It's a pleasure meeting you Helena. Can I-- Can I ask you out for a drink?"

Oh crap... too forward.

Her eyes widened at my offer. Don't freak. Don't freak. She bit her lip as if considering it or not. "I guess I could spare a little time."

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