Chapter 6: BFF

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I dragged Cecelia to the oak tree where we sat. Cecelia was leaning against the tree and with my head on her laps while I lay on the grass. She ran her fingers through my ginger hair in what could only be the most relaxing feeling ever. She knew I loved it when she did that.

"What were those boys talking to you about?" I asked her remembering those two guys outside the locker room.

She let out a tired sigh. "Weirdest thing has been happening lately. More boys than usual have been approaching me."

"What do you mean by more?" I asked, my blood boiling. How long has this been going on?

Cecelia let out a small laugh. "Jay, is it really a surprise that boys have been interested in me? Am I not pretty enough to you for this to be possible?"

Was she serious?

I met her gaze hard. "You know that you are the most beautiful woman I know, but you just never told me about all these guys. Why?"

Her cheeks turned crimson before she broke eye contact and looked down at her fingers in my hair. "It didn't matter."

"Of course it matters. Anything concerning you matters," I frowned. Why didn't she let me know how long this had been happening?

"Because I have never been interested in any of them," she said, her cheeks still blushing.


There had to be someone. Heck, I've had a few interests myself over the years.

"Is there someone you are interested in?" I asked her curiously.

Her eyes darted to meet mine, her eyebrows shot up. She quickly averted my gaze again. "No."

She was lying. She was lying! How could I have never noticed her feelings for her mystery man?

So many scenarios passed through my head. If she had another man in her life, would she forget me? Could I lose her to someone else? Jealousy raged through every fibre of my body. I did not want to share Cecelia with anyone else nor did I know how. I knew one day I had to, but now I couldn't think.

"Who is he?" I pushed. I felt her tense under me.

How had I not noticed it? Who could it be?

"No one," she said quickly. I could see she was trying to avoid it. I sat up quickly, crossing my legs and faced her.

"Cece... I know you're lying. Give me his name, I will do a little recon, see if he is good enough for you. Maybe rough him up a bit," I offered. I was serious. If he was a guy like Philip I might go bald in worry.

She was blushing furiously. She tucked a lose strand of her blond hair behind her ear. "Drop it Jay."

I was taken aback. We never really hid anything from each other. I told her when I thought a girl was pretty, she told me the first time she had her time of month-- I was creeped out for a while but got over it, it's something natural. We shared everything. Why didn't she want to tell me about her first crush?

I fell to the ground, grabbing my chest in pain and winced. She was on her knees immediately with a very worried look on her pain. "Oh lord! What's wrong?"

"My heart," I groaned. "My Cece is keeping secrets from me. It hurts, dear god it hurts!"

Cecelia slapped my arm. "Jasper! Don't scare me like that!"

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