Chapter 17: Confrontation

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I had taken a cold shower after the meeting with my family

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I had taken a cold shower after the meeting with my family. I had been raging with anger and hurt. I couldn't believe them. I couldn't believe myself. I let the pain and fear of being alone get to my head. I lay in my bed in just my pants staring at the ceiling wondering how everything had gone downhill so fast. The only thing I had left was Cecelia and I did not even know if I still had her. I had messed up. I needed to tell her that I did know what I want. I wanted her, I have always wanted her. She was my family. She was my everything.

The door slammed open.

Speaking of the devil.

Cecelia barged into my room, her eyes red in tears. I jumped out of my bed and rushed to her. As soon as I reached her, her hand came up and my cheek stung. She... slapped me? If I wasn't so surprised I would be turned on. Her hand came up to slap me again, but this time I grabbed her wrist and stopped her. Her other hand came up but I grabbed it too.

What was going on?

"Let me go," she grit through her teeth.

I furrowed my brows. "Not until you tell me what is going on. Why are you crying?"

"You!" She yelled. "You lied to me! Everything was a lie!"


What was she going on about?

"Cece, calm down and tell me what you mean?" I tried to get through to her.

"You used me Jay. I loved you and you used me!" she cried, tears shedding.

I was very confused.

"I don't understand?"

She took in a shaky breath. "Do your parents ring a bell? Why didn't you tell me about them? Oh wait, because you were going to steal from us for them. My family trusted you Jay! We gave you everything-- I gave you everything and this is how you repay us? With a backstab?"

My whole body felt like a bucket of ice water was dumped on it. She knew. God, how did she know? "It's not what you think--"

"So you weren't going to steal from us?" she asked sarcastically.

I winced at her tone. "I was but--"

"I met your father Jasper, he told me everything. He told me that you used my feelings so you could accomplish your goal. How could you Jasper?" she cried, pain and betrayal latched with every word. She met my father? He told her all this?

I let go of her hands and reached for her cheek but she pulled back. I almost winced not used to that. "I never used your feelings Cece, I would never use you Cece. I love you, you need to know that."

"You can stop with the lies now, that's why you were trying to leave me yesterday. You were saying goodbye, I get it now. For what we had, or at least what I thought we had, I will help you get the treasure and leave. Tomorrow right before sunset, I will clear the way as I discussed with your father," she said in a monotone. No feelings or emotions attached.

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