Chapter 12: Truth

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I grabbed Cecelia's hand and we began to run away from the vendor. The man left his stand and began chasing us. "Hey! Wait! Thieves!"

Despite not being here since I was a child, I still remembered the streets well. This feeling was almost nostalgic.

We ran through the market trying not to bump into people.

"Jasper! He's catching up!" Cecelia said looking back. I was only slowing down to match her pace. Even though we used to run around a lot of children, Cecelia reached an age when she stopped. The only time we ran was when we were running away from trouble, like we were now.

I thought for a moment of how we could lose the guy. "I got an idea."

We were running down between buildings, there was a turn up ahead. I pulled Cecelia along, turning the corner before pulling her along with me into a narrow alley just a bit further down from that. I pushed her against the wall and put my hand over her mouth to stop her surprised shriek from being heard. I pressed myself closer to her to avoid being seen. Her hands rested on my chest. There was barely any space between us.

A few moments later, the vendor ran past us in determination. Any moment now he was going to realize he lost us.

Cecelia was looking up at me with flushed cheeks. I could still see her high from all the adrenaline. I loved seeing that fire in her eyes. I removed my hand off her lips but rested my arm on the wall beside her head. Suddenly, something in her expression changed. She bit her bottom lip bringing my attention to them. God, I really wanted to kiss her. Holding her this close to me was also not helping. I forced my gaze back to her eyes but I found them looking down at my lips.

"Act now, think later," she whispered.

Could she?

"Cece..." I whispered, suddenly feeling breathless.

Her hands clenched the fabric of my shirt, bringing me closer to her. Before I knew it, her lips were on mine. I stood there shocked for a moment like an idiot. Cecelia was kissing me. How was this even happening? It was happening. It was still happening.

Finally snapping out of my daze, I kissed her back. My whole body felt like it was on fire, my heart beating abnormally. This was nothing like all the other times I've kissed other girls. No, this time there was passion.

My hand gripped the back of her neck, deepening the kiss. A game of tug and pull. At first it was soft and slow and cautious, but now it was like a raging fire. Heated. Every thought went out my head and all I could focus on was kissing Cecelia.

Finally breaking apart to breath, I kept her body still pressed against mine. I did not want to stop kissing her. It had to be my favourite thing in the world as of this moment.

It suddenly hit me. "Is it me? The guy you have feelings for?"

My voice was still breathless. That was one heck of a kiss.

She nodded her head, her eyes searching mine. "For the longest time."

A grin snuck its way to my lips unconsciously. "Good, because I am crazy for you."

She was grinning just as widely as I was now.

I took her hand in mine. "Come on, lets go before he finds us."

She nodded her head and followed me out the alley. She pulled my hand to stop for a second. "Can I see your home?"

I blushed feeling slightly embarrassed. "It was just an abandoned room."

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