Angelo's One Shot

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Katerina's POV

"Katerina!" yelled the maid in charge of our division. She was slightly intimidating, but she always got the job done and kept everyone in check.

I dried my wet hands on my apron before running to her. "Yes ma'am?"

"You are being reassigned," she said nodding in the direction of a maid from another sector.

"W-what?" I forced the words out of my mouth. "Why? Did I do something wrong?"

I couldn't lose my job. I needed it.

"No, no my dear. I think you did something right," she gave me a small smile. "She would probably have more answers for you."

I was officially confused. I gave my former boss a nod before walking to the awaiting maid.

"Katerina?" she asked and I nodded. She let out a sigh. "I don't know what strings you pulled, but you are one trusted new girl."

"Trusted?" I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Yes, usually new workers take years before they are able to work in close proximity to the king. They need to build a level of trust first," she explained.

The king?

"Sorry, what section am I being transferred to?" I asked in complete confusion.

"The king's quarters."


Angelo's POV

I had been trying to get glimpses of Katerina since the time I saw her on my coronation. There was something about her, I couldn't get her out of my mind. It was as if she didn't even work in the castle, but then I remembered that new workers needed to have experience and a level of trust before they could work in close proximity to the royal family. I started making trips to the kitchen to try and spot her. I always got a lot of questions and I knew I couldn't keep doing this before people started asking serious questions. I finally asked one of my trusted servants to transfer her into my quarters. I knew he wouldn't ask questions and make it look less suspicious.

For the first week, Katerina had to follow one of the other maids around learning from her. Then she finally started coming in alone. Throughout it all, she would only sneak glances at me. Never initiate conversation. I knew maids were not really suppose to speak unless spoken too, but I really wanted to talk to her. There came a time when I stopped seeing her. She was working shifts that I would be busy during. I kept making accidental messes so that she would show up more. I was hopeless. If Jasper knew what I was doing, I'd never hear the end of it. He would probably advise me to sneak through her window.


Katerina's POV

Every time I entered the king's quarters I was a mess. I couldn't focus on my work when he was there. King Angelo was beautiful. I couldn't help but keep looking at him. He was a wonderful distraction that was going to get me fired. I tried working shifts that he would be busy during, all the maids were more than happy to switch with me so they could get an extra glance at the handsome king. I still remember the first time I saw him during his coronation, I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. Not only was he handsome, he was kind to everyone and so very beyond his years. All the maids talked about him, how he had a marvellous mind and was the most perceptive person they knew. The last thing I needed him to be was perceptive.

If he was in the library then I was in the throne room, if he was in the throne room then I was in his bedroom, if he was in his bedroom then I was in the library. I did the best I could to avoid him, but it was never enough.

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