Chapter 15: Decisions

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I went back to the castle, my parent's words ringing in my mind

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I went back to the castle, my parent's words ringing in my mind.

Steal a royal treasure...

It was so simple. Harmless really.

I could do it easily.

But it didn't feel right.

It felt like I was stealing from Cece. Stealing from the royal family. But what about my own family? I couldn't really leave them in such a situation. I had only a few coins saved up, nothing that could help them get out of debt. I knew I was still mad at them but I guess in their minds they thought they were helping me by abandoning me. I should give them the benefit of the doubt.

I always dreamed of them returning one day so that we could be a family again. They were here now and asking me to come back. Isn't this what I always wanted?

I dragged my feet to my room suddenly feeling very tired. I opened my door only to find Cecelia sitting on my bed looking bored. Her head shot up immediately and a smile spread across her face.

I involuntarily smiled upon seeing her despite my bad day.

"I haven't seen you all day, the castle was awfully quiet today," she teased.

I let out a throaty laugh at that.

I am sure they had a blissful day today.

I walked over to her and sat next to her on my bed. I grabbed her hand in mine running my thumbs in a circle.

"Where were you today?" she asked. I could see the worry in her eyes. "Were you on another mission?"

I opened my mouth and closed it debating whether it would be better to lie to her. I was not ready to tell anyone I had seen my parents. I also did not want to lie to Cecelia, we never lied to each other. I didn't want to start lying either. I wanted our relationship to be based on trust. She trusted me and I trusted her, I didn't want to break that.

"I met with someone from my old life," I replied. Cecelia's eyes searching my own. I held my breath in anticipation. I knew she was going to see through me.

"Are you okay?" she asked softly. Her hand squeezing mine tightly.

I stopped running my thumbs in circles. "I thought... he had hurt me back then, but he explained to me that it wasn't his intention. I found out that he was in trouble."

I decided to alter the truth. Best way to tell a lie was to alter the truth.

"Are you going to help him?" Cecelia asked, her curiosity peaked.

I did not know. I should... they were my family. I wanted them back into my life. I wanted them to look at me like I was something, the one that saved them, not the kid they got rid of. Then again, if I chose to live with them that meant I would be leaving Cece. I didn't want that. I didn't want that at all, but my previous fears haunted my mind. The reason why I knew I couldn't be with Cecelia.

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