Chapter 7: Goodbye

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I followed Queen Clarissa to the war room. I could tell the other guards did not think I deserved to be there. Only graduates, full guards were allowed in. Sometimes, only the higher status guards were allowed in. I wiggled my brows at the scowling bunch. They did not like that whatsoever.

She led me to a table that was covered with maps and little pieces. A few of her generals were around the table. They immediately made space for us to join them.

"I know you are good at climbing high walls, sneaking undetected and picking locks, I just needed to know the final detail which was pickpocketing and you passed. I'm slightly horrified that you have these skills yet much very appreciative and in quite awe," she said giving me an excited look.

"If I may your highness." One of her most trusted and talented generals, General Devon, spoke first. "But he is just a kid."

"I wouldn't say nineteen is considered a kid, I turn twenty in four months if that eases your worry," I winked in his direction only to get a dark look in return. Okay, no winking then.

Queen Clarissa lifted her chin higher. "He is the most able person I know to accomplish this mission."

General Devon open and closed his mouth. "He has not even graduated yet. Do we really want to risk it?"

Queen Clarissa put her hand on my arm. "I have my upmost trust in Jasper. He's special, I know it. Plus, I think he we will be an early graduate. He's a fast learner."

General Devon gave me one long and hard look before sighing in defeat. "I trust your judgement my queen."

"Good," she truly smiled. "Now let's get down to business. General, the floor is yours."

He cleared his throat and nodded his head. "We have been formulating a plan for something big, but we are missing the last piece to the puzzle. That is where you come in."

I put my hand up as children did with their educators. The general gave me a deprecate look. "Yes?"

"Can I know what this big thing is?" I asked curiously.

"No," was all he said with a serious look.

"But what if--"

"No," he said again but even firmer. "As I was saying, we have intel that a quite notorious thief has managed to steal blueprints of some sort of mechanical device from the ancient times before the Great Nuclear War. We believe it is some sort of weapon. He plans to sell it to the highest bidder, we can not let that happen."


From before the Great Nuclear War?!

I knew we had managed to recover some scraps and blueprints enabling us to build a train and radios, the television for the really wealthy although they have nothing to play on it yet except for one channel being an emergency one.

"Why haven't you just arrested him and interrogated him or something?" I asked curiously.

The general shared a look with the queen who nodded her head.

"If news got out that he owned blueprints to a weapon, many will try to get their hands on it. As long as things are very quiet now, we want to take advantage of it," he explained. That made sense. It could start major trouble.

"So what is the plan?" I asked.

They all looked nervously at each other. "We're not quite sure. That is why we needed someone who would be able to steal this with one try. We do not know where he has it hidden, if it is on him or in his house."

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