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I stood on my feet, clapping and cheering as loud as I could as Angelo was being crowned. Cecelia had come clean to her parents a few months after we had been together. She told them she did not want the crown. She found Angelo to have much more potential than her. He was beyond his years, with the way his mind worked he was bound for greatness. She knew her kingdom would benefit more with him on the throne so she made the sacrifice with joy. On his eighteenth birthday, he was crowned.

I looked at the person next to me. "That's my brother!"

The maid who was looking at Angelo in admiration turned to look at me comparing my ginger hair to Angelo's brown curls trying to find the similarities.

"I'm married to his sister," I explained to her to try and seize her confusion. She was young, probably new in the castle. I wrapped my arm around Cecelia who was standing on my other side. "We married last year."

I was always ready to show off Cecelia as my wife. She was the greatest thing that had ever happened to me, I wanted the world to see that. We had been dating for so long, I finally grew the strength to ask her to marry me. It took our love to a new level. I somehow began loving her even more, which I didn't think was possible.

Cecelia smiled up at me before sticking her hand out for the maid. "I'm Cecelia, this is my husband Jasper."

Husband... It never got old.

The poor thing looked shocked as she stared at Cecelia's hand, not sure if she should shake it or not. Cecelia was like that, she never discriminated between anyone, much like her uncle Gabriel. Very slowly, the maid reached out and shook her hand.

"I-I am Katerina," she said quietly. "It's my first day on the job. I am sorry, I know I shouldn't be here. I will get back to work."

"Wait!" Cecelia stopped her. "It's my brother's coronation, everyone should celebrate."

Katerina looked so unsure that I felt bad for her.

"Just stand here with something in your hand to make it look like you're working, we won't tell anyone," I winked. A small blush crept on her cheeks as she nodded her head.

Angelo was coming back in from the balcony, cheers of his people still echoing from the outside. He made his way to us, a wide smile on his face. Even though he was a grown man, I still saw him as the little Angelo from back in the day. He was much taller now, taller than me, something about his genes had him growing so fast. His body had filled up quick as well, he stopped being targeted by the other boys when that happened. Puberty did him well, although he no longer looked like a shy kid, I always had to push him to flirt with girls. Cecelia would always yell at me for trying to ruin her brother's innocence, but the boy had to learn.

I opened my arms for him, engulfing him in a hug, patting his back. "My little Angelo is a king now."

He pulled back to give me a look. "I'm not little anymore."

Oh I know, but even though I was an adult, I still liked messing around with people. Fun should not die with age. Cecelia would always yell at me for still causing trouble, but the smile she tried to hide would tell me otherwise. Especially when she was the mastermind behind a few.

"You will always be little to us," Cecelia said as she wrapped her arms around her brother in a tight hug. "But your actions always remind me of what a great man you are."

Angelo always tried convincing Cecelia to take her rightful place on the crown. She said just because she was older, it did not make her a better leader. She really wanted him to have it, see how much Faraine would grow with a person as great as him.

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