Chapter 11: Fun

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I had the day planned out... well the first part at least. I was going to go with the flow for the rest but it was still going to be good.

I climbed up the castle wall, grabbing on to Cecelia's window sill before pulling myself over. I sat down against it, dangling my feet inside her room. I opened my mouth to speak but froze.

Sitting on her vanity singing a happy melody was Cecelia in a silk robe. Her long pale leg was visible from the slit. That meant one thing... Cecelia was in only a robe. Yeah, Peter was right. My friend did know the difference. Dear god, I was doomed. Think gross thoughts. Think gross thoughts.

Finally managing to calm down, I cleared my throat.

Cecelia jumped out of her seat, a hand to her chest in shock. "God! Jasper!"

She was angry scared. Cecelia got violent when I scared her. I purposely kept my gaze on her face, not dropping below her neck. "Good morning."

She did not find my smile charming at the moment. "Do you really need to climb through my window? Can't you go through the door like a normal human?!"

"Nope," I popped the "p" sound. "Get dressed, I told you we have plans."


Naturally I would feel happy that Cecelia felt this comfortable around me, but the distraction was not so good at the moment.

"This early?" She asked, her mouth open.

I nodded my head. "Come on, we have a long day ahead. We are going to get into some serious trouble. Dress super casually."

Her eyes widened, searching me to see if I was joking. "You're serious?"

"Obviously, when do I joke about getting into trouble?" I said teasingly. "You do want to live your last day as a seventeen year old in pure freedom don't you?"

Something sparked in her eyes. A flame. The part of Cecelia that craved the danger. That was my Cecelia. "Okay, wait outside. I'll be right there."

I went to stand outside her room waiting for her to finish her morning routine. Finally, after a few minutes she came out in a very simple dress. Somehow, she still managed to take my breath away. How was that even possible?

There was an excited gleam in her eyes. "What are we doing today?"

"It's a surprise," I said before leaning into her ear. "It involves leaving the castle."

She let out a gasp. "Like beyond the walls?"

Cecelia has never been outside the walls. Her parents were always too scared for her safety. But I knew I would die before I let anything or anyone hurt her. She deserved a little freedom. "Yes, just don't tell your parents. I like my head on my shoulders."

She let out a giggle before nodding her head excitedly. I led Cecelia to the castle's outer walls. There was a tree near one of the walls that was perfect for whenever I wanted to sneak off somewhere. I looked at Cecelia with a challenging smirk. "Still know how to climb a tree?"

She rolled her eyes before climbing the tree in her dress. I had to give her points for that, I didn't know how she moved around in that thing. It was a talent of its own.

We used to climb trees all the time as children, as we grew up we only climbed the oak tree to retrace our initials. Something about keeping it there was like keeping our friendship alive forever.

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