Not as Gemma but as Isabelle

639 18 4

April 23, 2015
Two Years Later...

"Si, wake up!" Iz whispered, poking at my face. I turned on my side, burying my face into my pillow. "Come on, Simon! This is important." I sighed, forcing myself to get up. "What is it?"

She pulled out her hands from behind her back, revealing a blue box with a white ribbon taped to it. "Happy Birthday!" she grinned from ear to ear. I couldn't help but smile too. I'd almost forgot it was my birthday today. My real one.

I leaned in, giving Izzy a peck on the lips. "Thanks, babe." I unwrapped the gift, excitement bubbling up in my stomach. "You didn't have to get me anything, you know?"

"Yeah, but I wanted to. You deserve it."

I reached in to find a hand woven bracelet with my name on it. My actual name. "I made it myself! Nana Foster taught me while we were waiting in line for check ups. She's such a nice lady. It's not in the best shape but-"

"I love it!" I smiled, slipping the bracelet through to my wrist. "I hid the name well, so you don't have to worry about someone seeing it." I nodded, twisting the bracelet around.

"It's been a while since we got to stay in one place huh?" I mumbled as I laid back down on our bed. Izzy nodded. "Yeah, almost two months."

Right now we've been staying in a quaint little village on the countryside. We're still in Australia surprisingly, but had to keep moving to avoid suspicion. The money Izzy saved lasted us about a year before it all disappeared. I decided to go out and get myself a job. I winded up working as a construction worker. It's not too bad. It gets us by. Isabelle is still looking herself. I tried to talk her into going back to school, even if it was just home school, but she refused. It would have been too risky. As of now, Izzy's a nanny for this wealthy family that lives by the beach.

"Well, I need to go get us some groceries. We're running low on food." Before Izzy could really get out of bed though, I pulled her back in. She giggled a sweet sound that I haven't heard in a while. "Stay with me." I mumbled, still a bit sleepy. "Please?" I pulled her close, burying my face at the crook of her neck.

"Si..." she whispered. "Next time."


Before I could even argue, she was out of bed, and heading towards the door. She looked back waiting for me. "Well, are you coming?"

I chuckled. That girl has me wrapped around her finger for sure. It's not really a wonder how I fell for her.


"Gemma!" Madame Juse cheered. "My favorite customer. What will it be for the lovely couple today?"

"Just the usual. We're running low on food again." Izzy replied.

"I'll get Sawyer on that. Sawyer!!!! Gemma's usual!" she howled at the back before going back to us. "So when can we expect a little one?" My eyes immediately went wide causing both Izzy and Madame Juse to laugh. "When this one can handle it. Plus there's no rush. We've only been married for two years."

"Horse nuggets! When I was your age I had three children!"

"I think we'll be fine just enjoying us." Madame Juse rolled her eyes. She was always like this every time we visited her shop. She's pretty fond of Isabelle.

"Stop by more often!" Madame Juse yelled as we waved goodbye.

"She's a weird one." I commented.

"Yeah but she means well. I have work at eight, so we better get back home." I nodded, taking her hand. "Let's go."


"Hey Izzy." I said. "When do you think we can stop running?"

"Hmm?" Izzy was already half asleep by the way she balled herself up. Her head rested on my shoulder. "Someday..."

"I love you, you know."

"I know." she mumbled. I always told her this. Ever since I came to terms with my feelings a few months back. We learned a lot about each other during these past two years. Once you strip the identity given by society, you finally see the real person underneath.

"One day, I'm going to marry you. Not as Gemma but as Isabelle."

This got her attention. She lifted her head, looking up at me in astounishment. "Really?"

I nodded. "I've been thinking about it for a while. And I loved playing house with you, but I don't want to play anymore. I want it. I want the actual thing."


"Promise me this, when this is all over. We're going to do this? Deal?" I held out my pinkie to her. She snorted, taking it. "Deal."

She leaned forward and kissed me. It was short but full of sincerity. "I love you." Izzy mumbled before laying her head on my shoulder again and drifting off to sleep.


"Mason, there's someone here looking for you." Bobby yelled. I looked up. Looking for me? Izzy doesn't usually stop by work, so I wonder who it could be?

"Hey." said a terrifyingly familiar voice. No it can't be.



Sorry for the long wait for the new chapter. Not only did I have writer's block, but I also had midterms to study for and a new job at the mall lmao...And an anime I'm catching up on. I know lame excuses that you've heard from all the other fanfiction writers out there. But yeah anyways, thank you for sticking with me! Hopefully the next chapter is more interesting. I really just wanted this chapter to slow the story down a bit and all that. I'll edit it for sure later on as well as all the other chapters when I have the time. I promise not to change too much! ^_^ Anyways, love you guys and let me know what you think in the coments on inbox me or something.

Follow me on Instagram and Twitter! (IG: little_diall) (TW: LucyBuns_)

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