Cabin in the Woods

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A/N: Hello everyone! thank you for reading this! If you are just finding out about this story now, welcome. If you have been here since I had the story up on comment down below so I know who has been here since the beginning! :) Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

I'll be starting spring semester at college soon, so no more updates until next month sadly. That's really the reason why I'm uploading this now. Well, I should let y'all read on now! Kay bye!

November 23, 2013 That time I didn't know what was going on
"Alec!" I called trying to rush over to him as fast as I could. I tried to get up as early as possible today, so I didn't miss him. He looked up as he got out of his car, and sighed. He didn't look too happy to see me. I don't get what he's so mad about. He's the one with a lot of explaining to do. He doesn't fully tell me the truth, and I have to find about it through Clary out of all people. I should be the one running from the bastard. "Wait up!" I called as he tried to walk away. I finally caught up with him in the courtyard. "What, Simon?" He snapped, glaring at me as he turned around.

"Is it true?" I asked bluntly. Might as well be straight forward with him.

"Is what true?" He rolled his eyes, but I didn't care at this point. I needed to know the truth. All of it.

"Is Isabelle getting married off to some pedo for money?" I said all too loud. Some of the students around us stop, and eye us curiously. His eyes went wide at my words. He franctically looked around before grabbing my wrist, and leading me to his car. He started up the car as I got inside. As I shut the door, he began to back the car away and speed off.

"Whoa, where are we going?" I asked, a bit nervous now. His driving is worst that going on Space Mountain.

"Where did you hear that?" Alec demanded.


"You idiot!" He growled, speeding on more. "Who else have you told?"

"No one. I don't know if Clary told anyone else, though..." Clary never was to be trusted with heavy information. Probably half of the school knows by now if she was spreading it without a phone. My heart began to thump loudly against my chest in panic. Alec is practically driving like a racecar driver.

He's gone mad. Alec Lightwood has gone mad. I'm not ready to die yet. God, maybe I should have texted him first? No, then he'd run away, and I wouldn't have gotten what I needed to.

We begin to slow down as we reach a small cabin in the middle of nowhere.

"What are we doing here?" I asked as Alec parks. When we both get out of the car, I spot someone I didn't expect to see today. "Isabelle?" I didn't know whether to run up to her, and just squeeze her tight or what. She was a mess. For Isabelle. Her hair was in an extrememly messy bun. She had on a black babydoll chiffon nightgown that she covered with a matching thin black robe. She looked from Alec to me with wide eyes. "What's he doing here, Alec?" she demanded, pulling her robe closer to cover her body. As if I hadn't seen and explored her before. I mentally slapped myself across the back of the head. Now was not the time to think like that.

"That moronic football groupie told him some information that you need to explain because I'm not going to." Alec yelled. He got back in his car, and sped off before I could even comprehend what was going on. And did he just call Clary a football groupie?

I hear Isabelle sigh. "Come inside before anyone sees you." Sees me? There's literally no one here. Or is there?

I walk inside of the cabin that reminded me a bit of the ones from Outdoor Ed from when I was in fifth grade. Except, you know, we didn't have the luxury of a pent house when we walked in it. I took off my muddy Converse, and placed them outside before entering her comfy prison. She gestured for me to sit across from her at the dining room table before she went inside the kitchen to get some tea. It's weird how proper and calm she was being.

"So, what do you want to know, Simon?" Isabelle asked as she poured me what seems to be some peppermint tea. She gave me a smile with her rosy red lips.

I took my cup from her, and sipped the content gingerly. "Was it true what Alec said? That you were trying to get me to fall in love with you?" Her cheeks immediately turned scarlet. If we were in a different circumstance, I would have found that adorable. She awkwardly took a sip of her own tea before meeting my eyes again.


I blinked at how simple she answered the question. No explanations or anything. Just yes.

"Then why did you make that deal with me? Why go through that much trouble? Was it because of the thing Clary told me?"

"And what did she tell you?" She replied.

"Are you being given to a pedo from Europe for money? To help your parents build their empire in Manhattan?"

She sighed, looking down. "I was a fool then. Manipulation is my specialty. It was easier for me to do that, than try and get a guy to fall in love with me."

"Why me?" I asked. "You're the most popular girl in school. You could have had any guy you wanted. Why did you choose me?"

"Well, the first reason was because you deflowered me. Second reason was because you were different. Any other guy would've just bailed on me. They wouldn't have gotten what I'm going through."

Does that mean that I was smart enough or understanding enough for her?

"So what about what Clary said?"

She frowned, looking down at her tea cup. She sighed before taking a sip. I'd never seen Isabelle so defeated, and vulnerable. She was always this powerful woman that ruled the school. She was Queen there basically. Having her sit across from me completely broken is just baffling.

"Half of it was right." she whispered. She looked up, and made eye contact. The horror in her eyes were confusing until she told me the other half that made Clary's story true.


A/N: uwww another cliffhanger! Sorry about that. I know some of you guys hate it. I personally love it because I love guessing so yeah. I hope you enjoyed. If you have any questions, you can message me in my inbox anytime ^_^ I always answer. And yeah. I'm thinking that I'll be able to have another chapter around February so yeah.

Follow me on Twitter @LucyBuns_ and Instagram @little_diall

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