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April 24, 2015 the day we were found

Rebecca grinned as she approached me. "Come here and give your sister a hug!" I hesitantly returned Rebecca's way too tight hug.

"How'd you find me?" I asked. Alec was supposed to notify us if our location was detected. What happened? Rebecca took my hand and led me to a taxi. "I'll explain on the way to the inn I'm staying at."

Isabelle's pov
"Ms. Gemma!" one of the neighbors greeted. I smiled. "Hello Frank. How's the wife?" He nodded. "Good, good. Another baby on the way." Frank and his family moved here a couple of months ago. They're extrememly friendly, but the language barrier and thick accent makes it hard for them to get acquainted with any of their neighbors. It was sad because they're really friendly towards Simon and me.

"One more for me to nanny." I laughed. Frank nodded.

"So what brings you here today, Frank?"

"It's your husband. I saw him go into the inn with a mysterious woman. You better go call him." I arched my brow. Mysterious woman? Frank must be mistaken...but what if it's Clary? No that's not possible. She was all the way across the world. "Can you excuse me for a moment, Frank?" Frank nodded understanding.

"Who is she..." I thought out loud. What if it was one of them? What if we've been spotted? They're taking him hostage aren't they? I shook my head rapidly. There's no point overthinking. I need to go find him.

"So what's this about?" I asked as we entered Rebecca's room. The next thing I knew, Rebecca was throwing things all over the place. "You idiot!" she screamed. "What the fuck are you doing in Australia!?"

She ran out of pillows to throw, so she grabbed a lamp.

I managed to duck before it hit me.

"Rebecca calm down."

"Calm down? You idiot do you know what you did to mom and me?"

"I know I was stupid...I didn't know what else to do! I shouldn't have told her I killed myself."

She then opened the mini frig in her closet and threw the snacks in them. I tried then to restrain her. She was never pleasant to talk to when she was angry. She grunted as I managed to pin her arms behind her back with her chest to the floor. "Get off!"

"I'm sorry."

"Get off!"

"Are you calm now?"



I get off and give her a glass of water. She chugs it down in seconds before sitting on her bed. "Mom's dead, you know."

"What?" How is she dead? She's thirty eight! A healthy jewish thirty eight year old!

"She saw your note and fell into a depression. I had to come home so I can take care of her. She passd away about a week ago. She wanted to see you one last time. I knew you weren't dead. Clary told me you didn't do it. That you were alive somewhere in the world. I can't believe you changed your name. You know how hard it was to find you? I finally got it out of Isabelle's little brother. You two have been playing house..." She clenched her fist at the thought of it.

I was too stunned to speak. Does she blame me for their mom's death? Is that why she's so mad right now?

"You don't understand..." I muttered, not knowing what else to say. What do you say to something like this, anyway?

"I don't need to. You're coming home. You're finishing high school, and you're going to college. Leave the girl. She's not worth it."

I shook my head. She doesn't understand. And why would Alec tell Rebecca? He wouldn't. Something was going on. Something I don't completely understand. But I knows for a fact that we are in danger. We need to leave.

"Please, Simon. For your older sister. For Mom." I flinched, a surge of guilt firing up my heart.

"Okay...I'll come by with my things by midnight. Then we'll go." She nodded, reaching out for a hug. I returned the hug relunctantly. Something still didn't feel right about this situation. Rebecca is hiding something. But I don't have time to sit around and find out.

As I left the inn, I immediately shot Izzy a text, CODE BLACK


I watched him leave the Inn. Just as Frank warned, he's there. The woman must be inside. I clenched my fist. I could feel my blood beginning to boil. Is he two timing me? After all we've been through! But then again...I should just trust him right? Maybe I should go back home, and let him explain. I blushed in frustation at my actions. I was beginning to lose it. How could I betray him like that? Ugh! Why am I over thinking this? Am I really turning into those types of girl?

"Isabelle?" I looked up, not realizing that I had sat down on the floor. Simon looked down with his hand stretched out for me to take. I pulled herself up without his assistance. I dusted my jeans off before putting my hands on my hips. "You need to explain, Lewis. Now."

"Didn't you get my message?" he asked. I arched my brow. "It's at home. But what are you doing at the Inn with a girl? Who is she?"

"Iz we don't have time for that now. CODE BLACK." My eyes widened. No not CODE BLACK. Two years ago when we were still on the plane to Australia, they came up with codes in case something came up. CODE BLACK was in case someone found them. That woman Frank saw was apparently Rebecca, Simon's sister. She wants him to come home and she said she got the information from Alec, but even he doesn't know their exact location. "We need to leave before the airport gets blocked." I nodded, taking his hand. We ran all the way home, not even bothering with the odd looks we were getting from the neighbors. This wasn't the time to act normal for the sake of keeping a low profile. We were gonna get busted soon anyways.

I was stunned at the sight before her. Their lovely home was now up in flames. Simon's mouth hung wide while my blood boiled even more. I grabbed a towel from one of the neighbors' fences, and dunked it in the water they were using to put out the flames. I rushed inside, despite Simon's protest. I needed to find the documents, and our money. Before they could be found.

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