I'm Just a Kid

794 26 4

November 18, 2013

Alec's POV

"Where were you?" I hear Isabelle call from the living room. She was watching an infomercial about baby food. Wow, she must be dead bored.

"I talked to him." I whispered, a bit nervous. I knew she was going to flip out, but I didn't care. For all we know, that loser can be mine and Izzy's chance from our horrible future. She froze for a second. She turned slowly around to give me her death glare that used to give me nightmares as a kid. People always told me how lucky I was that Izzy was my sister, but no. They didn't know what she was like growing up. She was a monster.

"You what?" She immediately turned up the volume of the TV, so no one can hear our conversation. She grabbed my wrist tightly, and we ran to our hideout in the closet under the staircase. She locked the door behind her before turning to me.

"What did you tell him?" she demanded, a little freaked out.

"I didn't tell him about the arrangement if that's what you're worried about..." I trailed off. We took a seat on the floor. She sighed in relief. "Good. So, what did you say?"

"I told him that you were trying to get him to fall in love with you, though."

"You did what?!" She looked at me with wide eyes. "How could you say that?!"

"He's already falling for you. I can see it. Why do you think I keep telling him to stay away? It makes him want you more. It makes him curious."

She sighed, shaking her head. "I hate you right now." She had a smile on her face, letting me know she didn't mean it. She probably would have never admitted this to anyone, not even herself, but I think her and Simon are on the same boat.

"I do think you should see him though." I tell her. "Actually converse and such. Tell him you love him or something."

"I don't love him." She defends. Sure Izzy, sure.

"Whatever, just do what you have to do. Tell him the truth. I feel like he should know everything from you. It makes it easier that way. More intimate or something."

"I guess. You go to school, and set it up for me since I'm locked away in this house." I agreed.

"So when are they sending you to Aunt Bex?" She frowned, looking down at her hands. She fidgeted, not meeting my eyes. Aunt Bex is a headmaster in London. They plan to send Izzy there to straighten her out and get ready...Gosh the thought of it just makes me sick.

"I just don't like what they have planned for us. It's so....wrong."

She nodded. "I know."

Simon's POV

I got off the bus, quickly thanking the bus driver. The bus driver seemed really pissed off today. I wouldn't blame him, he has to deal with all the brats throw things at each other, blare stupid rap music, and not stay in their seats.

I walked up to my house, and surprisingly the door was open. That's weird, Mom's not supposed to be home right now.

"Mom? Are you home?" I called as I rid myself of my Converse.

"Simon!" I hear Clary's voice come from the living room. Are you freaking kidding me? How did she get in here? Then I remembered that she knew where we hid the spare key. Damn. I've been trying to avoid her as much as humanly possible for the past few weeks. I don't want to deal with any of the weirdness that went on between us.

"Clary, what are you doing here?"

"You've literally been ignoring me. What was I supposed to do?" she whined, giving me a pouting face.

"Uhm, how about take a hint?" Yes that was a bit sassy and harsh, but I couldn't care less right now.

"The Princess is rubbing off you, Si." she joked, then her face got dramatically serious. "I need to tell you something very important."

"Clary..." I sigh.

"No, just sit down and listen to me! Please just trust me?" We stared at each other for a long time. How can she ask me to trust her when she betrayed my trust, and toyed with my emotions? I don't even think I can trust her anymore....she's not the girl I fell in love with a long time ago. She's changed.

But in the end I give in like the whipped kid that I am. I take a seat beside her, and wait for whatever she has to say to me.

"What?" I say, waiting for her to explain.

"It's Isabelle. Jace heard from his parents something really bad." She looked down, her hands balled up. It was weird that she was getting emotional about Isabelle. I mean she hates her to pieces. It must be that bad huh?

"Clary, what is it?" Is this what Alec wouldn't tell me? God damn why didn't he tell me? I could feel my palms getting sweaty. Please please don't be as bad as Clary's making it out to be...

"He said that Izzy's parents are planning on setting up an arranged marriage with some dude in Europe for money. It's gross. So, so wrong too. I hate that bitch, but even she doesn't deserve that. She could have had a good future. She's smart. She could've been a doctor or a lawyer like her parents. Jace said that's why they're homeschooling her. It's to get her ready. It's weird and twisted. I don't know if it's true, but I just thought you needed to know since she's still technically your girlfriend....Simon, say something."

I just stared at her in shock. I couldn't even process this information. How low can her parents be that they'd give her away to some guy? Is that why she made that deal with me in the beginning? Was she trying to get away from that? It's starting to make a little sense now. Why Alec kept telling me to stay away. He didn't want her to get in trouble. How much money do they need that they'd do this to her? What century do these people live in?! Gosh. This is more twisted than I thought.

"Simon!" Clary yelled, snapping her fingers in front of my face. I grabbed her tiny hand. She knows I hate that shit. I let go, wiping my face with my hands.

"What are you going to do?" She whispered.

"I don't think I can do anything, Clary." I tell her, honestly. "I'm just a kid."

A/N: Hey everyone :) so yeah thank you for reading. Like this is literally the first succesfulish Sizzy fic I've ever written. The other ones I never finish >.< This was actually going to be unfinished too but then y'all motivated me so thank you >.<

Anyways, don't forget to vote this chapter up and stuff!

If this gets 10 votes and 6 comments, I'll update sooner ^_^

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