Let's Go to the Mall...Today

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"This one would look nice!" She exclaims, examining the navy blue tee on display. It was plan and simple, so I didn't argue much. "I guess, but you already got me three shirts from Hollister. Don't you think that's enough?"

She looked at me as if I was crazy. "Of course it's not!" she gushes. "Why do you have to keep arguing, Si? It's pretty annoying. You should be glad I'm buying you clothes."

I shook my head. She doesn't get it. I'm a dude. I don't go shopping. I don't care about what I wear. That's why Clary and I got along so well when we were little. She wasn't a girly girl. She was into the same things I was into; video games and all.

Isabelle is a weird one. I took a seat near the exit as she rummaged through everything, her eyes sparkling as she did so. She's so passionate about everything, it's kind of amazing. Isabelle Lightwood is a mystery. I can't really tell what's on her mind; what's on her agenda.

Her long jet black hair wasn't up in a bun or curled into big waves today, so it hung down her back. It reminded me of a raven's feather; it has hints of blue and purple in certain lights.

I could get used to hanging around her actually.

I know weird, right?

She's not so bad once you get to know her. I had a few weeks to at least be of acquaintance to her.

She looks up from the rack towards my direction. We lock eyes, and forgive me if I'm wrong, but I think I just saw her blush. She gives me a smile, and beckons me to her.

"What's your favorite colour, Simon?" she asks.

I blink, a bit stunned by the question. It was so mundane, yet so foreign sounding coming out of her mouth.

"Uhm, it'd either have to be blue or red. I can never really choose. How about you?" I cautiously ask.

She shrugs, flicking throught the rack. "Pink," she says with a smile. Of course. She hands me a white tee with some newpaper type print on it. "Okay, now let's go to the cashier."

"Wait, I'm not going ot try it on?" I ask.

She shook her head. "No time. I have to get home before eight, and it's six forty five right now."

"What's at eight?" I ask.

"I want to catch a show," she says casually. "I'll show you when we get to my place, kay?"

Did she just invite me to her house? Weird. School was over a while ago, so basically this is like over time for me. But I just nod, due to my genuine curiosity. Maybe I can actually get to know Isabelle, and see if she is actually normal and bot the shedevil I created in my mind.
The drive back to her place was filled with casual talk, surprisingly. We discussed our favorite bands and the shit movies they come up with nowadays. We also asked each other questions like what's your favorite pizza topping? Did you ever have a pet? Mundane things like that.

She parks her car a block away from her house. I look at her, curious. Doesn't she have a garage all to herself? She didn't get out of the car, or unbuckle her seat beat. She just stared ahead, lost in her own thoughts.

I wanted to asked what she was thinking about or if she was okay, but I didn't. It wasn't my place to ask.

"Just ignore Alec, okay?" she whispers. She shifts her body, facing me. I mimic her actions, tilting my head, questioningly.

"He's very protective of me. We are twins after all," she humorlessly laughs. "He's strange, so don't pay much attention to what he has to say, okay?" She held out her pinky. I wrapped my larger one around her slim one. "Okay." I whispered, smiling.

She stared at my face for a long time, as if she was looking for something. Our pinkies were still entwined. I met her eyes, then my eyes lingered down to her lips. Oh gosh, she's really close.

I remember those lips against mine that night in the summer. They were soft, sweet. She smelt of vanilla and roses. I could feel my heart speed up. What is happening? Why is she really close? Does she want me to kiss her? I don't know, but she's confusing me right now.

Before I could figure anything out, she unbuckles her seat belt, and closes the distance between us. The kiss was soft and gentle at first. It was a lot more hesitant like we were still testing the waters, but it escalated quickly into her balling her fists into my shirt, and pushing me back against the door. She climbed on top of me, her fingers running through my curls. I grabbed the back of her neck, deepening the kiss. She was warm under my touch. She broke away gasping for air. I nuzzled up in to the crook of her neck, nibbling softly. I could hear her whimper against my ear. I wrapped my arm around her small waist, bringing her closer to me. I felt a groan come out of me as she lightly placed her hand on the bulge protruding from my jeans.

"Izzy," I whispered, leaving kisses down her collar bone to her shoulders.

Suddenly, i heard my phone begin to buzz in my pocket. Izzy's face quickly turned bright red. She quickly got off my lap and back to her own seat. I checked my phone to see who it was. It was Clary.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Can you please come get me at Jace's place?" She sobbed. I could hear the wind blow from the other line.

"Why? What's wrong?" I ask, worried. Every time she calls about Jace it's always a bad thing. What did he do to her...

"I'll tell you later, just please come and get me?"

I bite my lip, conflicted. I look at Isabelle then back at my phone. She was looking out the window, giving me some privacy.

I know in my gut that I can't just bail on Isabelle. She looked pretty excited to have me over. And we did just sort of have an intense make out session. Bailing on her for Clary is just a douche move. But then again, Clary is my best friend. She's hurting and she needs me. Gosh, I'm so confused.

"Clary?" I put the phone back to my ear. "I can't come get you." I saw Isabelle flinch from the corner of my eye. She slightly turned her head, now listening.

"What?! But you're my best friend! You have to." She whines, sniffling and all.

"I'm here with Izzy. I can't just leave her."

"But, Si," She begs. "I need you. You're the last decent guy I know." I winced. She's making it hard for me to do the right thing here.

"Simon," Isabelle whispered. "I think you should go get her. She needs you." Her words shocked me. I felt my jaw drop. I stared at her in awe. I thought she'd be glad I'm not ditching her. I guess there is more than meets the eye when it comes to Izzy.

"I'll see you at school, okay?" She gives me a reassuring smile. "Go,"

I nod, gently giving her a peck on the lips before getting out of the car.

"Okay, Clary." I say. "Where are you?"

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