2. Eva

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The buzzing of my alarm woke me up , I had a job interview today, I got up from my bed and dashed for the bathroom. Luckily for me, I had already laid out what I planned to wear last night, I was a very organized person that's why it made perfect sense when I wanted to be an interior designer, that has been my dream ever since I was a child.

Unfortunately, my mum died during my birth so I grew up without a motherly figure. My dad, a very controlling man, had planned my life out for me in his head. He wanted me to study Law because he owns a law firm and he wanted his only child to run the company someday, well sorry for him, that is not happening.

My dad had always controlled my life, right from when I was a child, he picked my school, my friends, my dates, my extracurricular activities, my college choice and course, and sometimes my clothes. He made my life a living hell. When I said I wanted to study design, he shouted at me and threatened to disown me, if I didn't study law.  So here I am, after giving away three years of my life to law school, studying the stupid law which I was sure I won't practice.  I handed him his certificate as soon as I was done, packed my things and left home with the money I had saved during law school.
I rented a small apartment, it was in a nice area, my dad is quite rich, so the money I saved was enough to get me a good place, I designed it myself, and when my friends came over they were in awe and wanted me to design theirs too, which I did.

Leslie and James are my best friends from college, I don't know what I'd do without them, I have no siblings, but I consider them family cause of how far we've come. We were room mates back in undergraduate school and now they're getting married. Guess who their wedding planner is? You guessed right, me.

It's such a dream and I'm so happy for them, they have been dating since freshman year and it's been a lot of ups and downs. I still remember when they would fight and I'd be the one to suffer because I wouldn't know which side to take, since staying out of it was no option because they'd always drag me into their drama.   Let's not even begin to think about the noises they made whenever they were having 'fun' and I couldn't get any sleep at night, or the awkward outings together with me being the third wheel, when they'd start making out, OMG! how awkward and I couldn't leave because we came together, it would have been rude so I'd just stare every where else until they're done.

Asides all these, Leslie has been a great sister to me, she knew I didn't have a mother, she'd comfort me on nights when I cried thinking about my mum  and the horrible control freak I have for a father who took pleasure in running my life and making me miserable. I spent my holidays at Leslie's home whenever I could, just to get away from my dad. Her family took me in as their daughter, her mum always made my favorite chocolate cake as dessert whenever I went there, with enough to take back school. Leslie still complains her mother loves me more than her but I know she's just joking.

James, of course is my annoying big brother who'd protect me from guys he claims just wants my body and the ones he thinks are good and want not just s**. He'd drop me off when I have a date and come back to pick me up, he's tall, huge and intimidating. Sometimes, he scared my dates away and they'd never call which I didn't like but I knew he meant no harm.

He's the best, he got me this interview with a designing firm, he happens to be a very good friend of the owner, Mark. It's an interior,exterior, everything design, company, if you need to design your home, your office, organize your closet even a school, anything, they are your go to guys, you just organize a contract with them, then they come with their crew and make everything beautiful. Just thinking about the job makes me excited, I'm applying for the post of head designer, James said the previous designer quit because she got married and travelled out of the country to be with her husband.

Mark Michaels Designs is one of the leading interior design companies in the country,I read that they were the major designers for Woods foundation, a very big charity foundation, their office is massive, they also designed Hilton hotels, just to name a few. I really hope I get the job.

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