12. Tracy

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I had gone to visit my mother today, I told her about the club I and Stephanie had formed, she was ecstatic. She truly loved the idea, she just told me one thing though, that stuck to my brain.

"Now dear, just because you're now in a single ladies club doesn't mean you're going to be single for the rest of your lives. Yes men are terrible but you and I know, not all men are the same. There are a few good ones, so please, don't close your mind to love, it doesn't matter how long it takes, there's a good man out there waiting to find you, you girls should have fun, advise each other but don't shut your hearts and hate all men. Meanwhile, can I join your club?" I had laughed so hard when she said that, she was too old to join our club. She joked about starting hers and it had cracked me up. I can imagine what it would be called "the single grand mother's club."

I had fun though, we took a lot of pictures which I'm going to send to Victoria to make her jealous.

Asides Stephanie and I, we had two other members and they would be joining Steph and I for lunch tomorrow. I had no problem with us having just two members, it's better that way, a crowd would be too much to handle. If it ends up being just the four of us, I'd be more than okay with it.

I have no idea what I'm going to say to those women, especially Allie who broke down over the phone at midnight. She seemed really distraught when she called me, and it was all because of her ex who was probably going at it with another woman at that same damn time. I felt really bad for her, but I was also too sleepy to comfort her.

The previous day, I had to deal with a married couple who kept screaming at each other in my office, it was good for them to let it all out but they also gave me a terrible headache. The man was complaining about his wife always putting her job before him and their kids.

The wife said it would have been much easier if the man was also working but she's the only one paying all the bills and while she doesn't blame him for losing his job a year before, she doesn't want to come home to him complaining and nagging her for not coming home early.

They kept going back and forth, screaming at the top of their lungs until the husband told his wife that Jackie, who I assume is their daughter just got her period and she didn't even know about it, he had called his friend's wife to advise him on what to buy.

That was really a low blow to the woman, she was crying and I had to console her, she couldn't quit her job because that was the only way they survived, but she said she would speak to her boss to give her the weekends off so she could take care of her children. She had two sons and a daughter, the kids really needed her, especially her daughter.

You could tell she was really sorry, the husband also had to comfort her because she kept saying she was a terrible mother and wife. I advised them to really work together and understand each other, the husband shouldn't blame her for doing her job that was feeding them, I asked him if he wanted her to quit and he shook his head, at least not until he got a job.

They want their kids to have the best, she said she'd make sure she speaks to her boss and the husband apologised for not understanding her, she also apologized for not being there for him and the kids. They kissed, made-up and left.

I was so relieved when they left, my head was pounding from their screaming. I fell asleep immediately I got home from work but it was cut short by my cell's ringtone. I didn't want to pick up but it could be an emergency due to the time. It turned out to be a heart broken lady that had apparently just found out about our club, she was sobbing and talking about her failed relationship at the same time. I wanted to scream and yell at her but I figured it wasn't a good idea, she wasn't in her right state of mind, so I begged her to call later in the morning and she sounded so much better when she called again, I invited her to the meeting and she took up my offer.

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