4. Tracy

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I've been on this dating site, since morning fishing for men, you know that have the qualities I want, on Findyourlifepartner.com, I've come across the good, the bad and the ugly.

I'm a qualified relationship therapist and you'd think I give myself the advice I give my clients.

My phone rings and I pick it up, "helloooo" I dragged the o's, i'm a very dramatic person although in a good way.

"Trace can't you hear me, I've been knocking on this damn door for hours, if you don't come down this minute, I'm going to ...." I didn't wait for her to finish, I know Stephanie, she's going to do something crazy and I thought I was dramatic. I opened the door and a beautiful Stephanie looking all made up walked through the door, heading upstairs to my room without saying a word.

I followed her upstairs and she was sorting through my closet, "Steph why are you scattering my stuff, what are you looking for?" I asked sitting on my bed.

"I have a date Trace and I need something to wear, I totally forgot about it, Heather set me up with this guy Dylan, her husband's colleague and I'm supposed to meet him by 8", she said still searching for an outfit, scattering my things and frowning her face. At last, she found a short pink dress I didn't even know i had, she paired it with gold stilettos and she looked hot, I helped her with her hair and makeup, and she was good to go.

"You look great Steph" I said,

"Aww thanks and also for the dress which I'm so keeping".

"You wouldn't dare" I said, with a hint of fake anger in my voice, the dress looked nice on her and I wanted to wear it myself, again it is mine.

Steph has this habit of borrowing stuffs from me and never returning them.
"Oh please, i'm sure you've never even worn It" She said touching up her makeup, I wanted to keep arguing with her but her date rang the door bell and she had to leave, although we had not come to an agreement on the dress,she could keep it, it wouldn't look as nice as it did on her on anyone else.

After Stephanie left, I went back to my dating site and finally came across this hot looking dude that chats me up, "hello, your profile pic is so hot" he said.

"Thanks, is your name really Aiden2hot?" I asked although I knew that couldn't be his name.

"No it's just Aiden, so Tracy, are you free, if you are, can we meet up at my my place?" Is this guy crazy? We just met and you want me to come to your place?

I thought about it, although I shouldn't even be considering his offer, he could be a serial killer for God's sake but I was bored out of my mind and wanted a little fun.

"There's this great place I know, Eddy's spot and their pizza's great too" I replied.

"Okay I wanted to cook for you but pizza sounds like a good idea, see you in 30 minutes, text me the address." I texted him the address and got ready.

I decided to go with high waisted skinny jeans, a crop top and a jacket with ballet flats, I packed my hair in a pony tail, keeping my makeup simple. I drove to Eddy's in fifteen minutes, picked a table and waited for Aiden's call, five minutes later, he called me and I told him what I was wearing.

OMG! I'm gonna faint, instead of seeing a young handsome man walk towards me, I'm seeing a man close to sixty with white hair, eew. He sat across me, he wanted to give me a peck but I brought out my hands instead.

"Hi" he said, "you look gorgeous."

"Thanks, you don't look anything like the guy on your profile pic" I said.

"Oh that's me when I was younger" he replied casually, I wasn't even feeling pizza  anymore, I just wanted to go home, so I fake called Stephanie, who was still on her date, I pretended as though there was an emergency and she was just involved in a accident and had to go see her.

I apologized to Aiden, who asked if he could come with me and replied with a very loud "No!" and left.

When I got into my car, I dropped my head on the steering, took a few, deep breaths before driving home where I changed into my PJs and went straight to bed with a strong opinion of not going on dating sites anymore.


Song- Meghan Trainor: No

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