11. Allie

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I woke up really late the next day, I didn't even set an alarm, weekends were my days off, the network usually aired marathons of my show today. I was more than excited to just chill in bed today.

I looked around my bed and then remembered I had to clean it, I jumped out of the bed and got to work, I sorted all my dirty clothes, folded, washed. After cleaning my room, I decided to clean my whole house, It wasn't that big, just a one bedroom apartment, with a kitchen, living room and a dining area, it was a bit spacious and in a nice and safe environment. I had saved a lot of money to get this place but it was worth it. I remember when I was searching and Jake had told me to give up and move in with him. I'm so happy I didn't else, I'd be homeless or probably staying with parents by now.

After cleaning and eating, I called Jenny, we had not hung out in a while and I felt guilty cause she always calls me to check up on me. I'm such a bad friend, Jenny and I are like sisters, we grew up together, we were neighbours and we became family when my sister fell in love with her brother and now they're married. I knew something was up, when my sister would get all excited when I was going to see Jenny. Then she'd spend hours in her brother's room talking about God knows what, I once caught them making out in the kitchen, It was so awkward, his hands were inside her jeans, It was a horrible memory that could never be erased.

He got my sister pregnant when they went off to college together, our parents were pissed, it was also really difficult because they were also good friends, still are. Hayley suffered the most because she had to delay college by one year, have the baby and attend college from home, when Josh graduated, he got a good job in an advertising agency and he proposed to my sister, the rest is history.

I'm happy my sister got the happy ending she deserved, she manages a library close to their home, they are doing okay and that's all that matters.

I spoke to Jenny and we agreed on going to the club tonight, I decided to head over to her house, then get ready from there. I got ready and in 15 minutes, I was at Jenny's. She was baking something in the kitchen when I found her.

"Hey," I said, "what you baking?"

"Just cupcakes, I want to take them over to Hayley's later, Debby needs to take them to school tomorrow, you know she can't bake to save her life." I laughed, my sister is terrible when it comes to cooking, she's completely useless, Josh cooks but I'm sure he's too busy to make his 3year old a dozen cupcakes.

I helped her decorate the cupcakes and then, we were done.

"What Club are we going to tonight?" I asked Jenny. She always knew all the coolest places.

"There's this new club that just opened,
'Ladies and Gents', I met this DJ at the hotel and he invited me, also he said he knows the owner so if we play our cards right, we might end up in the VIP lounge." She said with a mischievous grin.

"What do you mean play our cards right?"

"Don't be stupid Allie, I mean have a little fun with Mr DJ."

"Hell nah, sleep with a DJ for VIP access? No fucking way."

"Wow, you really are stupid.
Wtf ! Why would I tell you to sleep with the DJ who isn't by any means cute, for a fucking VIP? Just flirt with him a little, that's what I meant, anybody would have understood that. Besides, I know what that ass did to you, you need time to heal." Only Jenny would insult you and then, make you smile at the same time.

"So what would we do before going to the club?"

"Well, we've got to deliver these cupcakes to your sister and I need to pick something out for tonight."

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