6. Allie

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It was a very exciting day for me today, I had an interview with the guy that invented Tchat, a mobile app the whole world's talking about. It's like snap chat and Instagram but the twist about this is, apart from posting videos and pictures, you can also video call a person, anybody, maybe you liked the person's videos then you want to see the person, it also has a chat icon.

I love it so much, although the app is meant for getting to meet new people and I've missed video calls from my followers, I'm not the type of person to talk to random people, well,strangers. My bestie Jenny says I'm not spontaneous and too uptight. Well fuck spontaneous, I'm not ready to get my heart broken, she has hooked up with a lot of guys thanks to Tchat. Tchat is cool but it has its disadvantages, and that's what I want to talk about with Luke Grant.

I had to look my best today, Luke was a very cute human being and even though I'm not 'getting my groove back' anytime soon, I am allowed to admire God's creation and be admired in return. I went with a fitting, green gown which stopped just below my knee, I applied my make up and I must say, I looked hot. I rushed out of my apartment and because I was in a hurry, my room looked like the third world war just happened in here, clothes were all over the place, I promised myself I wouldn't sleep until it is at least presentable, when did I get so messy?

When I got to work, I saw my manager standing in front of my office, I quickened my pace,wondering what he wants, I really hoped it's not about Luke, I'm really looking forward to this interview, I mean, does he know how much effort I put in getting ready today?

"Good morning Gerald," I said when I got there and let him into my office.

"Good morning to you too Allie, we have decided to make your interview with Luke, much more interesting, Luke is going to video call a random lady on your contact list, she gets to go on a date with him"

"Oh really, that sounds fun" I said but I was freaking out, why should Luke go on a date with another woman? What if he falls in love with her? That can't happen. Wait, why am I thinking like this? men are all a bunch of cheats, nothing good comes out of them.

"Yes, Luke has already agreed to it, get ready, it's almost time for the interview," he said before leaving. Why wouldn't he agree to it? he was sexy as hell, so I'm sure he knew ladies were dying for him, before I left, I posted something on my Tchat, to get people hyped and for them to tune in to the show.

"Get ready ladies,you might just get to go on a date with Luke Grant, sexiest software developer, tune in to the show at 10am, It just might be you." I posted and within 10 minutes, it already had 200 likes. I hurried to the set, the producers were already there and of course I had to deal with the annoying Sally , I don't even know what her job really was, she was just an annoying face I had to deal with everyday, when everything was set and I was seated, Luke walked in, he looked so sexy in a well-fitted black suit, he looked sharp,I couldn't help but stare at him, he came and sat across me.

"Are you nervous?" he asked, I didn't even know how to respond, "No, I'm not Mr Grant, I've been doing this for a while," I mean, of course I'm a little nervous not because of the interview, I mean I've interviewed more famous people but because this guy was very much handsome for his own good.

"Good because if there's anyone that should be nervous, it's me, this is my first time on TV," he said. Awwwn, the way he said it was just so cute, his first time, I am glad I get to share this experience with him.

"I'm sure you'll do great, just answer a few questions, I promise I won't ask you anything that'll make you uncomfortable, just relax" I told him.

"Thanks, really needed that." I wanted to reply but director began the count down and then we were on air.

After the necessary greetings, I went straight to introduce Luke.

"I have with me today, the creator of Tchat, the new app everybody is talking about, It's so cool and not only can I chat and create my own Tchat stories but I can also video call anybody I want to, pretty cool, right? 100 million downloads on its first week on both iOS and android, please welcome, Luke Grant" I said and the camera was now faced in his direction,you could tell he was a bit nervous and it just made him even more adorable.

The camera was back to me and I asked him questions, like how and when the idea of Tchat was formed, if he expected it to be this successful and a lot others.

After a while, I added the date thing,

"Today's episode is really special, at the end of the show, Luke's going to video call a random person from my followers, If you are interested in going on a date with this man, right here, who I might add is pretty hot stay tuned till the end. if you aren't following me, follow me now, it just might be you." I just called Luke hot, I hope he doesn't take my words too seriously, he was smiling at the camera after my announcement. This man was gorgeous.

"Now Luke" I said, going back to my questions, and asking him something I really wanted to ask him.

"While this app is really cool, don't you think a lot of young girls and boys are in danger, I mean a 16 year old could see it as a way of showing her boyfriend nudes or maybe an older man, that's really scary for parents, the app is available for anybody to download, as long as you have a smart phone, what do you think about this Luke?" I asked.

"Well, I think it's a personal thing, teenagers shouldnt trust so easily when it comes to 'such,' when you send a nude to someone, there's the possibility of that person showing it off to others, maybe mutual friends or worse, use it to black mail you. I know you think you're in love but you should be smart. Also parents should be cautious, yes freedom is good but talk to your kids, let them trust you, when they trust you they can tell you anything and you can advise them," he said and my crush on him just grew more, he was so confident, so sexy.

A few more questions later, he was done and after a commercial break, it was time to find out who was going to be the lucky lady.

Luke was scrolling through my Tchat followers, he wasn't allowed to look through her profile, just pick, I knew a lot of ladies would be excited about this, almost everybody was online at this moment, finally he came across this lady JustChrissy.

"Is that who you're going with, Luke? your final pick?" I asked, "yeah, let's call her." I was really hoping this Chrissy chick would be anything but beautiful. Luke called her and after three rings, she picked up, the producers zoomed in on her face, and to my disappointment, Chrissy was a beautiful girl, with a bubbly character, she even had dimples.

"Hi Chrissy" Luke said, with a big smile on his face, you could tell he was already into her.

"Hi Luke, I'm so happy I won a date with you" Of course you are, anybody would be, stop smiling, would you?

"I'm pretty excited too, you're really beautiful." Really Luke? Flirting on TV? Not cool.

"Thanks Luke, Allie was right, you're hot." OMG! What am I still doing here? Right, I'm the host, I can't leave.

"Well I'll leave you to it, see you on our date." Finally, that was disturbing to watch.

"Bye Luke." Urrrgh, go already.

"Well Congrats Chrissy, hope you and Luke have a great time, that's all for today guys, hope you had fun with me, hope you tune in tomorrow, same time, same station." I blew a kiss and the show ended, finally, I can't believe I was jealous, Chrissy seems like a nice girl, she and Luke will make a nice couple. Good for them, yeah!

I turned around to see Luke was behind me.

"Allie just wanted you to know, I had fun with you, you're really good, well I have to go now, we'll Tchat, right?" He said and I was kinda proud of myself.

"Thanks Luke and of course we will, well bye"

He headed toward Gerald's office while I went to mine.

"What a long day it has been,"I said when I finally got home, you know that thing I said about making my room presentable? Tomorrow would be fine, I'm too tired to do anything now, except sleep. After changing into my PJs, I moved the clothes to one side of the bed and dozed off, dreaming about Luke and I on a date, not Chrissy, I was a better match for him.

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