3. Allie

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I got a promotion today, a promotion I'd been aiming for since I started working at ATX network, six years ago.

You'd think interviewing celebrities, researching all there is to know about them and reporting it on a daily basis is a very interesting job, probably your dream job, you'd also think working here should be pretty easy and fun, a bed of roses.

No! Don't be deceived, in this business, there's a lot of jealousy, gossip, stepping on people's toes without giving a damn about it and that's what got me this promotion.

When I first started working here, I was an assistant to Diane Winters, she handled the Political segment and what's going on in the world, oh my God, I know it's wrong, because it's important to know what happening in the world around you and people actually enjoy this segment, but to me, it was the most boring thing I had to sit through everyday. It was pure torture because I had to scour for boring political updates, help her finalise on the news to present and be there to watch her when she was on air and of course, I was also learning from her.

Fast forward to three years, Diane was quite sick one day and I don't know how it happened but somehow, I was the one who filled in for her that day and that was my very first time on TV, my friends and family watched me that day, they were so proud of me and said I did a good Job.

ATX manager offered me a position as a weather girl, I took it, although it was not what I really wanted to do, three years later I'm here and I can finally interview celebrities and do other stories I really want to do. I must say I'm proud of myself.

After a very long day and an interview with Khloé Kardashian, which definitely was the highlight of my day, she's such an amazing person and I got to take selfies with her. I can finally go home and rest my poor, aching head.

When I got to my car, guess who's beside it, holding a bunch of roses, none other than Jake stupid Johnson, this idiot has no shame whatsoever, this is someone I once trusted with my heart, I gave him four good years of my life, only for me to find out he was cheating on me with the person I hate most on the planet, Sally Harris. If it was someone else, I'd even consider hearing him out and maybe giving him a chance, maybe...but tell me, what would make him go there? This was someone we spent some nights cuddled up together, laughing about. Sally has hated me from the very first day I stepped into the walls of ATX, she'd insult me, make fun of my clothes, tell me I was a nobody and call me slut.

According to her, the only reason I ever got promoted was because I was sleeping with the manager. How ironic, I'd caught her on many occasions, coming out of his office, with her hair in a mess and her makeup smudged and yet, I was the slut? She's been working here longer than me and she's still a production assistant, you'd think she'd have gone up a notch on the promotion totem by now, especially with how much she talks. I knew she was just jealous, more so with how far I've gone, it just shows that beauty may get you the job, but talent is what will take you far.

The fact that Jake knew all this but still went ahead and did something with her just shows how little he valued our relationship, he didn't even have the guts to tell me himself, of course, miss Sally already did the job for him, you could see the smile and happiness in her face when she told me.

I remember it like yesterday, she barged into my office "Allie, I just wanted you to know I and Jake have been having mind blowing s** for the past three months, just giving you the heads up girl friend". I couldn't even utter a single sentence, "awwn, cat's got your tongue, you see Jake came to me and told me how boring your relationship is, he complained about you not being able to give him what he wants and how s** with you is always the same routine you know, so I decided to help a sister out"

Okay, I wanted to give this bitch a slap, but I was in the office and had to remain composed. I ignored her, I knew she wanted me to reply but I just gathered my things together, I had to get out of the office. "Awwn, you're leaving, you poor girl, in case you need to cry, I'm here, okay?" She left my office laughing so hard, I'm sure they could hear her from the top floor.

I left the office that day, to my apartment where I bawled my eyes out, I cried so hard that day, it really really hurt. I went to confront him later that evening, I had my own keys to his apartment but I decided to knock that day, I was banging on his door with all the anger in me, letting it out on the poor, innocent door.

"Babe is everything okay? Why are you banging on the door?"He said when he opened. "How long have you been sleeping with her?" I went straight to the point. "Who?"
"Don't try to play dumb with me, I know you and Sally have been fooling around, so just tell me truth because I'd rather hear it from your mouth" although I knew Sally wasn't lying, considering the details she gave, a small part of me hoped she was and Jake didn't cheat on me but I got my answers when I looked into his eyes, they had guilt written all over them and then, I knew my answer.

I didn't want any explanations, he tried to talk but I pulled my arms out of his grasp and left, although it was hard, I knew that chapter had closed and there was nothing I could do about it.

Really, he thinks roses will make me change my mind, if he cheated once there's an eighty percent guarantee he'll do it again, I ignored him, got into my car and drove off. Like I said before, that chapter had ended.

SONG: Emeli Sande ; Hurts

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