One phone call

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Harry's pov

" what have I done " I sobbed

I put my head to her chest as I felt pain going threw me .

" you really care about this girl don't you?" The man said , blood running down his mouth.

I looked at him with pain in my eyes , then looked down back at jade .

I lifted her up and realized someone must have called the cops .

Police cars pulled up and an ambulance came.

" put your hands up!" I heard a police officer shout

I looked down , thinking about what I've done, as I slowly raised my hands .

As they escorted me to the back of the police car I looked back at jade one more time ... This was way more serious than I thought ..

* 5 hours later *

Louis' pov

I got a call from an unknown number

" hello ?"

" hi , this Is the general hospital. Jade Pearce has been seriously injured . We found your number in her phone and decided we'd let you know . "

My jaw dropped . I hung up the phone . I just sat there . Shocked . I stood up jumped in my car and drove straight to the hospital .

I ran threw the doors " I'm here to see jade Pearce "

" this is not visiting hours sir, she will be ready for visiting in about 15 minutes , please take a seat in the waiting area ." One of the nurses replied

I looked behind her , threw a window . The sight I saw broke my heart .

Jade was lying down on the bed , doctors surounded her , wires everywhere .

What happend ?!

But that wasn't the only thought going threw my head. Why wasn't I there to save her?

Harry's pov

" one phone call mr styles " I heard one of the police officers say

Who should I call ?! Louis would probably kill me. Zayn and Liam are busy with there girlfriends . This left me one choice . Niall .

I called him

Nialls pov

As me and trinity sat on the couch watching cartoons , making out , I heard my phone ring

Unknown number

I awnsered , I mean it could be anyone .

" hello?"

" niall , it's harry , I'm in jail for getting into a fight , but that's not important , jades in the hospital , I punched her , it's serious!!" He was talking so fast

" hold up, you got in a fight with jade ? I'm confused , slow down !"

" no, I got in a fight with a man at the fair , I brought jade there . When me and the man were fighting jade jumped in the middle to break us up! I missed the man and punched her ! It's serious , she's in the hospital ! Deal with her then help me with this jail thing "

" no problem mate" I hung up

"Come on let's go! " I told trinity. She knew what I was talking about cause I had my phone on speaker .

We don't keep anything from eachother

AN// I've decided to start these pov things! FeedBack??

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