The house

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"Hurry up your taking forever !! " trinity moaned

"well sorry I don't even know where he lives so it would be nice to have the address!!!" I snapped back!

"124 raithin rd!"

"Stalker " I laughed

When we arrived to the house , it was bigger than trinitys!! It was almost like the White House!

Trinity jumped out of the car and , surprisingly , did not slam the door.

"Well hurry up girly, can't miss Louis!! He will be in there waiting for you to give you a huge kiss !! He must miss you!! Miss you , miss you." it's all I heard her say .. From then on Everything was blurry in my eyes. I kept seeing double and I was sweating to death! Then everything went black...

* 20 minutes later*

" jade, jade wake up, JADE!!" Trinity pinched me !

" owe what was that for!!" I snapped


See what I did there?!


"sorry sorry , you were just , yanoo , asleep! "

Everything was still blurry but I could still pick out what or who was staring at me...

Five blurry faces , harry , Niall , Liam , Zayn and trinity ..

Where was Louis ?

I sat up and caught focus

Louis was in the kitchen peeling carrots ... What a surprise! (Not)

"w..wh..what happened?" I murmured

"you blacked out in the car!! I went inside to get niall to help me bring you In! You were out for 20 minutes!"

Trinity yelled!

" I'm fine , I mean it hurt a lit..." I stopped

Louis walked through the door towards me ... Sat down and said one thing and one thing only..

"would you care for a carrot love?"

"ummm.. Yah sure.. I guess?" I was a bit confused ...

It was like he didn't know who I was .. Like he'd never seen me before.. I don't blame him. Who would remember a girl who he knew like 10 years ago..

"don't you rememb.." I cut trinity off

"umm trinity, can you help me with something in the bathroom?" I grabbed her arm and Halled her into the hall way

"other way to the bathroom !!" Louis yelled

I turned around and kept walking fast the other way "thanks!" I said to Louis

"what are you doing !!! I was trying to remind him who you were!!"

Trinity seemed frustrated

" I know what you were doing!! Don't do it ! It's better for me and for him if he didn't know who I was!"

She nodded and we walked back to the living room...

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