Acting like an animal

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ThePanda_101: HELP ME! I'm about to have my German finals language thing next week! Help!

Smurf: k

ThePanda_101: sprichst du überhaupt deutsch? (Do you even speak German?)

Smurf: ja natürlich tue ich (of course I do)

ThePanda_101: hast du das gerade gesehen? (Did you just look that up?)

Smurf: ja (yes)

ThePanda_101: sie sind so dumm (you are so stupid)

Smurf: beeindruckend. Vielen dank. (Wow. Thank you.)

ThePanda_101: bitte sei sarkastisch (please be sarcastic)

Smurf: ja bin ich (yes I am)

ThePanda_101: gott sei dank (thank goodness)

Smurf:  können wir aufhören zu sprechen in duetsch jetzt (can we stop speaking in German now?)

ThePanda_101: fein. Aber ist es immer zu schwer für dich zü übersetzen (fine. But is it getting too hard for you to translate?)

Smurf: I was using google translate. I'm not taking German.

ThePanda_101: I expected as much. You don't exactly strike me as a 'smart' person who knows more than two languages.

Smurf: rude.

ThePanda_101: you know it's true.

ThePanda_101: also, how did day one Operation Dove Lotion go?

Smurf: is that what we're calling it?

ThePanda_101: ODL = old

ThePanda_101: we shall call it OLD.

Smurf: really? That's the best you can do? How about. . .

Smurf: Operation Love River = OLR = ROL = ROLL = THEY SEE ME ROLLING. THEY HATING = ?

ThePanda_101: that's great. Next time just stop at ROLL.

Smurf: k

ThePanda_101: bye.

(ThePanda_101 and Smurf have logged off)

THEY SEE ME ROLLIN, THEY HATIN! Also, sorry if you don't like the different language chatting

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THEY SEE ME ROLLIN, THEY HATIN! Also, sorry if you don't like the different language chatting.

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